MTNU Beige keycaps (lovely new profile, GMK made double-shot PBT, expensive - even more due to Colemak)
I bought the keyboard immediately when I found out they made a BT version of the Q8 (I use a Q10 daily at the office), as I was looking for an iPad compatible one. Very happy with it!
Since you have the Bluetooth version, I’m curious if it is QMK compatible and how that works. I was under the impression that QMK doesn’t work wirelessly.
It is QMK and VIA compatible. I need to wire it to a computer with a Chromium based browser to customize it, but it works - albeit with some connection issues with my 2013 MacBook Pro. On Windows works flawlessly.
Regarding bluetooth, at which (metric pls) distance you have connection problems? I'm thinking of dipping my toes in DIY boards for a compact travel KB but I would also need bluetooth - so the problem you're mentioning could very well hit me too.
I don't know the technical details but I believe that keychron is dealing with the bluetooth separately from the main board. QMK still doesn't really support bluetooth in a proper way so if I am not mistaken they handle it differently, and when you are flashing new firmware to the QMK controller it doesn't talk to the bluetooth board. Almost like using a dongle for the keyboard.
That could be it, but in VIA you can actually assign bluetooth host keys in order to switch devices, so a sort of communication between main board and bluetooth electronics must be happening!