Slightly tangential, but “re-education” is one of those thought terminating cliches that if you stop and think about for more than a second, makes complete sense in a lot of scenarios. If there’s a population or sub-population that overwhelmingly holds racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, and/or classist views, then yeah they need some educating. And if I’ve got to sit in the DMV for a couple hours every few years just to renew an ID, they can sit through an hour presentation on why being a bigot is a problem.
i know it's not what you meant, but i love the idea that After the Revolution we'll send the petty bourgeoisie to till the soil, but the DMV will still exist largely unchanged.
"Re-education" gets a bad rap because it's frightening for Burgerlanders to imagine being forced to re-learn anything rather than bumblefucking through their lifelong illusion of consumer choices where they're the infallible Main Character.