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  • This just really speaks to your ego again

    If my ego is reality, is it really ego?

    You’re just right there.

    That's not a source lmao. Tell me where I said it, you know, a link or something.

    I mean you’re trying to educate me, but it’s not working well

    Yeah, hard to reach these kids with tiktoks and all taking your attention

    Yah man, try it. When you don’t go around telling BS lies

    Are BS lies truths? Do double negatives work like that?

    You haven’t brought in one fact.

    I mean for sure if you haven't read my comments, it's easy to get that impression.

    “The cost of living is the amount of money needed to cover basic expenses such as housing, food, taxes, and healthcare in a certain place and time period.”

    Hell yeah dude, color me surprised actually. You did do your own research and now we agree that living costs doesn't equal to house prices. Housing includes stuff like rent AND mortgage among many other things. Hence your comment on living costs=house prices WAS wrong! Just like I told you it's wrong.

    See, the one time you did your research and actually looked into what you're talking about, you start to agree with me. Isn't it curious? Or, you know, how I told you to look into foreclosures and after that you haven't bitched about them either?

    Someone more intelligent might come to a realization at this point, but I don't have high hopes for you despite the flash of sunlight there at the end.

    • If my ego is reality, is it really ego?

      No, but thinking your ego is reality is peak ego.

      That’s not a source lmao. Tell me where I said it, you know, a link or something.

      Linked at the end of my post showing how rising cost of living means rising cost of homes, which means they aren't affordable.

      Yeah, hard to reach these kids with tiktoks and all taking your attention

      Lol tiktok, cute, is that the thing all you kids are hooked on now.

      Are BS lies truths? Do double negatives work like that?

      No they don't. BS isn't always a statement to the negative, sometimes it's just an adjective.

      I mean for sure if you haven’t read my comments, it’s easy to get that impression.

      It is, it is. But then you read them and you don't need to have the impression, you know. Just because you link something that doesn't prove your point then dodge questions about it, that doesn't make it a "fact" lol.

      Hell yeah dude, color me surprised actually. You did do your own research and now we agree that living costs doesn’t equal to house prices.

      It says "basic expenses such as housing", expenses are quantified as prices. It is literally saying that cost of living is includes housing prices... I never said your cost of living was ONLY housing prices. But housing price is the largest expense in most cases. I get living with your mom she pays for everything so you might not realize it, but it is.

      Housing includes stuff like rent AND mortgage among many other things. Hence your comment on living costs=house prices WAS wrong! Just like I told you it’s wrong.

      Jesus fuck dude. Cost of living includes the cost of being in a home. The biggest expense to being in a home is not your gas bill, it's your rent/mortgage. At this point, you're willingly burying your head in the sand. Remember what I said earlier about actually taking the time to learn instead of assuming you're right? Maybe try that.

      See, the one time you did your research and actually looked into what you’re talking about, you start to agree with me.

      What? I don't agree with you at all, and you just said I was wrong. Dude your ego is a legit problem, like legit talk to someone. You don't do research assuming your right, you're shown you're wrong and can't accept it, then when facts are shown proving you wrong you try to act like they back your point. Dude you are legit delusional.

      Or, you know, how I told you to look into foreclosures and after that you haven’t bitched about them either?

      I gave up because you refuse to speak on it outside "do your won research". I did, they are viable. Instead of demanding proof nonstop how about you provide some to back your point? Tell me how an online-only, no inspection, as is foreclosure is a viable affordable home. I've stopped asking because I've accepted the fact that when you're wrong you do nothing but name call and dodge questions. It's a clear pattern here, most likely driven by your massive ego.

      Someone more intelligent might come to a realization at this point, but I don’t have high hopes for you despite the flash of sunlight there at the end.

      I mean this is a nothing statement that's just fluffing yourself up. When you have no substance it's all talk, like this. I get it, you think you're very smart, no matter how many times your proven wrong of made to face the reality that you aren't.

      • No, but thinking your ego is reality is peak ego.

        Lets not forget I'm the only one of us actually backing my claims up.

        rising cost of homes, which means they aren’t affordable.

        That's not what it means. Rising cost of homes means rising cost of homes. Less affordable for sure, but not unaffordable. Like, third grade logic would've get you there mate.

        BS isn’t always a statement to the negative

        So "BS lies" means what exactly in this context?

        I never said your cost of living was ONLY housing prices.

        Reality is your biggest opponent

        Cost of living includes the cost of being in a home.

        Like I said, it's great you learned something! Keep it up lil guy and you'll get the point

        You don’t do research assuming your right, you’re shown you’re wrong

        I'm still waiting for the showing btw

        I gave up

        I know, I know

        • Lets not forget I’m the only one of us actually backing my claims up.

          Saying something over and over doesn't make it true. I've asked you to back up your claims multiple times and have gotten nothing lol. I've asked simple questions and you've dodged them. Because we both know I'm right but your ego won't let you accept it. Keep saying it, you might convince yourself. With an ego that massive it's not hard.

          That’s not what it means. Rising cost of homes means rising cost of homes. Less affordable for sure, but not unaffordable. Like, third grade logic would’ve get you there mate.

          Jesus, it's exactly what it means. The rising cost of homes means the homes cost more. Things that cost more are less affordable. So more expensive homes are less affordable. Then you look at wages vs cost of living.

          Cost of living = How much does it cost to live, how affordable is it to live in a given area. Cost of living changes based on the area. Guess what determines if that cost of living is affordable, what is the biggest factor? Homes. So you're saying cost of living can be really high, but the major factor that decides if you can afford that cost of living can be cheap. Dude you have clearly never had to manage your own finances or move areas with different costs of living. It's pathetic to see you flounder like this.

          When you grow up you'll learn what all these things mean.

          But I'm glad third-grade logic "would've get you there". Seems like your literacy is 3rd grade there bud.

          So “BS lies” means what exactly in this context?

          Lol it's your hypothetical you made up. But according to you BS lies, which is not how it's used. But I mean, you don't really care do you?

          Reality is your biggest opponent

          I think you mean greatest ally there buddy? I love how you didn't quote anything, almost like I never said that so you have nothing explicit to point to. This is your version of "backing up your claims" vague statements. Lol I might as well say something and link google as my "backup" because that seems to meet your standard.

          Like I said, it’s great you learned something! Keep it up lil guy and you’ll get the point

          Lol I love the ego. You act like cost of living, which is the measure of how affordable things are, has nothing to do with how affordable a house is, which is part of the cost of living. You need to look up a few terms and learn what your talking about before you puff your chest up anymore.

          I’m still waiting for the showing btw

          I've provided tons of proof backing up my claims. I can't make you read or understand them, sorry.

          I know, I know

          Yes, because a smart person doesn't play pigeon chess.

          • Saying something over and over doesn’t make it true.

            Fact that it is true makes it true though.

            Things that cost more are less affordable.

            Ahahahahah dude. less affordable doesn't mean unaffordable. Like, I literally wrote it there, "Things that cost more are less affordable.", the clue was there right in front of you.

            But according to you BS lies, which is not how it’s used.

            I sent this sentence down at the lab for the boys to take a look at. I'm going to get back to you when I figure out what the hell this even means. Just to be clear, "BS" here means bullshit, right?

            Lol I might as well say something and link google as my “backup”

            Honestly, anything goes at this point. You've lowered the bar that much.

            You act like cost of living, which is the measure of how affordable things are, has nothing to do with how affordable a house is, which is part of the cost of living.

            Still missing the point. Still missing it. Still thinks cost of living is equal to house prices. Renters aren't affected by cost of living in your reality it seems.

            I’ve provided tons of proof backing up my claims

            Sure kid, they must've gotten defederated out since I haven't come across one.

            Yes, because a smart person doesn’t play pigeon chess.

            A smart person wouldn't say the cost of living equals to house prices yet here we are.

            Honestly I'm a bit scared to fuck you any more since it might be classified under pedophilia.

            • Fact that it is true makes it true though.

              You're right. Something is right or it's not. And again, you saying it over and over doesn't make it true. You gotta use this thing call proof. The thing you keep saying you've showed without ever showing. The thing you could just show me and destroy my stance. The thing you don't have so will never show.

              Ahahahahah dude. less affordable doesn’t mean unaffordable. Like, I literally wrote it there, “Things that cost more are less affordable.”, the clue was there right in front of you.

              It's so sad, honestly, to see you say something like this. So confident to the point of arrogance while being so ignorant. If something is less affordable, that is how it becomes unaffordable. It's affordable, becomes less so, and is now no longer affordable, that's how inflation works bud.

              I sent this sentence down at the lab for the boys to take a look at. I’m going to get back to you when I figure out what the hell this even means. Just to be clear, “BS” here means bullshit, right?

              Yep, and you and your buddies can work on it. 3rd grade reading level and all, I'll give you all the time you need.

              Honestly, anything goes at this point. You’ve lowered the bar that much.

              Lol, yes. Me calling out the absurdity of your "proof" is me lowering the bar. Please, you have no proof and we both know it, you're just puffing your chest at this point.

              Still missing the point. Still missing it. Still thinks cost of living is equal to house prices. Renters aren’t affected by cost of living in your reality it seems.

              Jesus, we started this off by talking about homes and not renting, that was the context. I never said cost of living equals housing cost. I never said they were the same, if I did quote me, show me exactly where I said that. Because I didn't and this is the only weak stance you have, even though I've explained it 10 times, you just can't seem to grasp it. Housing cost, the cost to be in a home, regardless of what it is, is the biggest contributor to cost of living. Not the only one, but the largest one in nearly all cases. I've said this multiple times, maybe this time it'll stick.

              Sure kid, they must’ve gotten defederated out since I haven’t come across one.

              Yah, selective reading will do that. I'll say this, I've provided much more proof than you have lol. What have you sent, a listing for a foreclosed online only sale house as an example of affordable housing lol. If anything the only proof you've shown helps my stance not yours. So thanks for that.

              A smart person wouldn’t say the cost of living equals to house prices yet here we are.

              Well looking through our chat history you've said that a bunch and I haven't said it once. So I gotta agree with you on that one. Hell even in a world where I did say it, I've explained probably 6 times now how it's not the same, it's just the largest part. So even in your delusional world where I said that, I've explained in detail how I view it. So even in that world you're hanging on to one thing I said and ignoring all the explanation I've laid out in front of you. Because you know you're wrong lol, but your ego just won't let you move on.

              A smart person would look at their comments in this thread, see that an overwhelming number of people disagree with you, and maybe have a little self reflection. Maybe just entertain the possibility that you might be wrong. But you're not a smart person are you? You're just a person with more ego than sense that can't accept being wrong.

              Honestly I’m a bit scared to fuck you any more since it might be classified under pedophilia.

              Is this really the best you got? A weak stretch of a pedo joke. Come on man, do better.

              • You’re right. Something is right or it’s not.

                Yep. And like I said, like reality has shown, and as the undeniable sources I've got have pointed out, I am right.

                If something is less affordable, that is how it becomes unaffordable.

                Not quite. Less affordable = less affordable, unaffordable = unaffordable. I understand these are extremely complex issues for you to handle but seriously, try.

                Yep, and you and your buddies can work on it.

                Still haven't figured out what it meant. 3rd grade writing is honestly a tad bit too generous.

                Jesus, we started this off by talking about homes and not renting, that was the context.

                Uhh, we can't redefine words by context. Use the word like it's meant.

                I’ve provided much more proof than you have lol.

                You can keep lying to me but not yourself. We both have read the thread.

                Well looking through our chat history you’ve said that a bunch and I haven’t said it once.

                I literally linked it to you the other reply. Not surprising at all that you don't read my replies, otherwise you would have apologized already.

                overwhelming number of people disagree with you

                Downvotes just mean people don't want to face reality. Plenty of folk I talked to in this thread later turned out to agree with me.

                People hate to be told they have responsibility.

                • Yep. And like I said, like reality has shown, and as the undeniable sources I’ve got have pointed out, I am right.

                  Lol I very much believe you think you're right. Ego does that. But you've not shown any of these sources, or any proof. So I think ego is all you got.

                  Not quite. Less affordable = less affordable, unaffordable = unaffordable. I understand these are extremely complex issues for you to handle but seriously, try.

                  Can't tell if you're being over pedantic or trolling. Something that is unaffordable is less affordable than something that is. If something costs $10 and that is affordable, and then it becomes $20, which is less affordable, I may no longer be able to afford it, making it unfordable for me. Less affordable impacts everyone as prices change, something being unaffordable has to look at the context of the person. Less affordable = big picture, unaffordable = individual. Clearly you've never had to put together a budget in your life lol.

                  Still haven’t figured out what it meant. 3rd grade writing is honestly a tad bit too generous.

                  And yet you still can't seem to grasp a, what, lower than 3rd grade writing level. Quite the self burn there lol.

                  Uhh, we can’t redefine words by context. Use the word like it’s meant.

                  Words have different meanings in different context you absolute idiot lol. Cost of living means something different to a person living at home than it does a home owner. You can barely keep up when we're talking about houses now you want to expand that to all expenses associated with cost of living? Oh boy.

                  You can keep lying to me but not yourself. We both have read the thread.

                  Yes we have. But you've demonstrated already that you have selective reading. You've had to have me repeat things you've missed. It seems you conveniently don't notice anything that challenges your ego.

                  I literally linked it to you the other reply. Not surprising at all that you don’t read my replies, otherwise you would have apologized already.

                  Ah yes, the link to the comment where I didn't say that. See this is a perfect example. You could quote what I said and shut me up, but you didn't. Because you know you're wrong. And it's easier to keep pumping up your ego. You even ask for an apology, because in your mind you could never be wrong, every interaction you have is you trying to prove you're right to everyone while waiting for an apology. Oblivious to the real world around you.

                  Downvotes just mean people don’t want to face reality. Plenty of folk I talked to in this thread later turned out to agree with me.

                  "Plenty." Lol, gotta pump up that ego. And people disagreeing with you have no valid point, they just don't want to face reality. Jesus dude you are a legit narcist. No way everyone else could be right and you're wrong, it's everyone else who's wrong. The whole world is wrong except you and some sycophants. God that's pathetic.

                  People hate to be told they have responsibility.

                  Not really, people don't mean being responsible. What they don't like is someone who doesn't live in their country, understand their housing laws or market, didn't even know what a credit score is, and makes up some lie about owning a home trying to tell them they can afford a home when they very clearly cannot.

                  Listen bud. You clearly think you're right about everything. I've linked sources showing you your wrong, spelling it out, quoting the source where it says your wrong. I've tried hypotheticals that you've just ignore, I've tried pointed questions you've ignored. You obviously have a world view where you're right and everyone else is just wrong. I'm sure you like to think you're very smart, even though it's clear you very much are not. Not even close honestly, maybe average if I'm being kind. So now that I've realized you haven't brought up a single talking point for a few responses now, just avoiding your responsibility (guess you were projecting when you said people hate being responsible) of answer questions, a key part of a debate. Coupled with the fact you can't show one shred, one tiny bit of evidence, then this is pointless. No one is going to read down this far in the comment chain and you're not interested in having a debate, you just want more ego fuel. This is a waste of time. I hope all this was just trolling because the alternative is honestly depressing.

                  Enjoy responding, I know your ego won't let you leave without getting the last word. I won't read it of course, and I'm sure you'll have more insults to say about that, but honestly insults only have an impact if you respect the person their coming from. And I would respect a stranger more than I do you.

                  Have a good life man, and honestly, on a human level, try to have some self reflection, you can learn a lot about yourself and how people view you. Jesus, just looking at your recent comment history, it's so full of hate, attacks, and "I'm better than you" vibes. Is that really how you want to live your life?

                  • Lol I very much believe you think you’re right.

                    One day you will too

                    Can’t tell if you’re being over pedantic or trolling.

                    Realistic of the things we're discussing here. Someone has to be.

                    And yet you still can’t seem to grasp a, what, lower than 3rd grade writing level.

                    Yeah I'm really not used to material like that, you'll have to step it up

                    Words have different meanings in different context you absolute idiot lol

                    And we already have our context. Don't go changing it by yourself young lad

                    You’ve had to have me repeat things you’ve missed.

                    You have repeated things that I have time and time again shot down. Not my fault you are unable to know the difference between less- and unaffordable lmao

                    Ah yes, the link to the comment where I didn’t say that.

                    You were supposed to click it and read it. Also, like, you've been on the defense on it for like 2 weeks now, I mean high time for you to start backing off, but again, I'd like to have an apology from you for being such a dum-dum.

                    “Plenty.” Lol, gotta pump up that ego.

                    I mean again, if reality reflects my ego, is it really ego?

                    What they don’t like is someone who doesn’t live in their country, understand their housing laws or market, didn’t even know what a credit score is, and makes up some lie about owning a home trying to tell them they can afford a home when they very clearly cannot.

                    Kid I've already went through these with you like 10 times. I understand it better than you do, and probably ever will since you are unable to educate yourself.

                    it’s so full of hate, attacks, and “I’m better than you” vibes.

                    I literally am better than you in every way.