If you could only own 10 albums to listen to your whole life what would they be?
If you could only own 10 albums to listen to your whole life what would they be?
If you could only own 10 albums to listen to your whole life what would they be?
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I reckon these would keep me going for a good old time.
I don't know how to appreciate Fall of Troy outside of F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X. and its unpronounceable original version. Even seeing them live (they opened for Alexisonfire) left me feeling like i was missing something.
Doppelgänger has some reasonably accessible tracks outside of FCPREMIX. Try ‘act one, scene one’ or ‘mouths like sidewinder missles’. Your mileage may vary of course.
Nah that's exactly what i was looking for. Recommendations. I.listened to the album all the way thru and bounced off, so i figured I'd ask a fan next time i saw one.
Good looking out.