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  • Cue up all the people complaining why their Big Macs are $15 in about a year's time.

    I love how people on Lemmy just don't get that throwing out random hourly wage numbers don't just happen in an island. When labor costs go up, then so too will the price of a product. And when workers in other fields find out that they can make more money in a brainless job flipping burgers, then they will push for more money or threaten to quit. That's great and all until you then realize that the price for those products will go up as well. So you just tried elevating skill-free fast food workers to allow them to have more buying power, but now you just raised the price of everything which just eliminated that extra buying power. Thus inflation. Congrats! And yet Lemmy will have learnt nothing.

    You are so blindly focused on skill-free jobs and completely losing sight of the bigger picture. The idea isn't to elevate these pointless Mcjobs and artificially inflating their pay. The point is to push these workers who have no skills to go out and learn a trade, get a degree or certification and just in general gain a marketable skill to where companies will pay them good money for their work. There are about 160 million workers in the US and only 2% of them work in fast food. Yet if you looked at the number of posts on Lemmy, you'd think that the majority of Americans work in that industry. Then again, what am I saying? Lemmy is probably disproportionately represented by teenagers working their first jobs, which would explain why these antiwork communities just can't stop talking about fast food.

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