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can anyone point me to readings or resources?

I'm pretty left, yada yada whatever, y'all seem to know things I wanna know. Curious where you get your info and such and so on. Idk show me stuff, I wanna depropagandize myself.


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  • What do you want to learn about? I'm sure people here can give you some good recommendations on specific topics. If you don't really know, Parenti is a good place to start. Blackshirts and Reds, and Inventing Reality are good. (lol, I see someone has already recommended parenti-hands while I was writing this)

    Posters in the newsmega have been putting together a general reading list on geopolitics, you can see what's been added so far here: Its quite short right now though. There is good discussion on recent events here:, there is a new one each week. Subscribe to ! if you haven't.

    • Yeah I'm not entirely certain on what exactly I am looking to learn about. I've just been seeing a lot of post here that I instinctively disagree with but upon further thought realize I don't actually have any evidence other than that it's generally what I've heard other people say. Yet the people here seem so certainly they are right that I atleast have to look into it. I'm specifically talking about big claims like genocide denial. For example I have been told that Mao Zedong is responsible for like 40-80mil deaths yet people here claim he isn't and seeing how that is quite a substantial claim I should atleast take it seriously and look into it yk?

      I don't want to just be some reactionary parroting talking points I've never actually validated

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