On July 13th, we asked the community for your opinion if you would like to change the name of this community.
Results of the Survey :
Yes - 28.1%
No - 71.9% (winner)
Of the 1,201 responses received, we as a community have democratically decided that we should not change the name from PC Master Race. I am grateful to our community for your input, as this was a difficult topic to navigate together.
We'll pin this post for some time and then consider adding a bullet into the sidebar for this Community to help stave off further discussions around this topic as the community has already decided collectively.
Unlike dodgy racial theories, the superiority of PCs over console plebs and iToddlers is an unmutable physical, psychological and metaphysical fact of the universe. No, I am not being ironic.
Yeeeh, I do feel very inferior to my computer. She’s a genius. My partner’s computer is even younger and smarter. And can run so fast. They both best me in almost every way.
I mean, they are. PCs are superior to a console in every way except the price point. Consoles shouldn't even exist in this day and age, the only reason they do is because of exclusives, all the bullshit around PC parts and more recently bad PC ports.