A massive increase in defense spending is set to hit Greenland in a move that would allow the Artic territory to fortify its military’s strength.The announcement came just hours after President-elect Donald Trump again insisted that the United States should acquire the semi-autonomous part of Denmar...
A massive increase in defense spending is set to hit Greenland in a move that would allow the Artic territory to fortify its military’s strength.
The resumed and emboldened massacre of eastern Ukranians by the banderite coup government, same as the decade that led up to this, except without even the tissue-thin veneer of western disapproval
Yes, exactly. The Eastern Ukranians who got sick of being terrorized by marauding Azovites and petitioned Russia for protection will be slaughtered wholesale, man woman and child, and your only response is "well they shouldn't have thrown in with the orcs for protection" Perhaps the US-backed nazi government shouldn't have spent ten years murdering them with no repercussions then? Just a thought.
Clearly, a government being aligned with Bad Country for any reason is enough for you to turn off your empathy completely. It's no wonder you're on the side of the goose-steppers and SS-applauders.
spent ten years murdering them with no repercussions
Citation needed
Clearly, a government being aligned with Bad Country for any reason is enough for you to turn off your empathy completely. It's no wonder you're on the side of the goose-steppers and SS-applauders
Which statement of mine makes you arrive at such a conclusion?
I like that you're sharing your opinion. I just want more information about it, so I can either agree or disagree. What about dissolving NATO would be "Good for humanity"?
All Russia has to do is stop being aggressive to its neighbors and NATO will automatically start falling apart. NATO support before Russia invaded Ukraine was decreasing.
Then why was it that when the Russian Federation asked to join NATO back in the 90's they were refused?
Do you have a source for this? I can't find any reference apart from a random interview given by Putin.
What about when the Soviet Union asked to join back in like '48 was it denied?
It was in '54. It's hard to know why it was rejected since all those conversations are classified, but publically it was stated that Russia's lack of democracy was the cause. I'm sure US hatred of communism had an influence.
Though I'm not sure that USSR had honest intentions of being a long term member instead of using it as opportunity to sabotage the treaty that would be negative for their interests in the works at the time.
America and 18 other countries invaded Russia in 1918 to restore the monarchy, kicking off a century of relentless aggression. They aren't the ones who started this cycle and they're not the ones with the power to stop it. We are.
There would probably be a manufactured excuse to keep it around. It seems like that’s already happening with the hyping up of a potential conflict with China.
I want to make very, very sure you read my entire comment. People spending Christmas without power is all it takes for you to put on the armband and throw your support behind the "gas em all 1488 racial holy war now" faction and become an enemy of like 98% of humanity? If so, incredible unprompted mask drop. Like, for real? Because that and worse happens in war all the time dude. You don't see me growing a little tiny mustache just because I think Dresden was overkill. Would that have been enough to turn you into a hitlerite back then too?
NATO is just one manifestation of military industrial complex. Just getting rid of it without any global change it would be net negative for the humanity.
The primary issue with NATO is that it's often misused by US for its own personal needs.
The primary purpose of NATO is to maintain western hegemony over the global south to better extract resources and profit from it. It being gone is a net good
Yes, the primary issue I mention is the purpose you are talking about. Thank you for repeating what I said. It being disbanded wouldn't automatically be net positive, since despite the issues it creates, it does serve other valid purposes. You need to address systemic issues, not manifestations of those issues to solve anything. Because if not NATO, it would be another 4 letter organization doing exactly the same thing by exactly the same people.
You are arguing against something I haven't said. Yes, US missuses NATO for their own purposes, I stated that in the first comment in this thread...
But that won't change just because NATO gets disbanded without changing the systemic issues that created NATO in the first place. Because it will just be re-born under a different name with the same stated goals and the same US in the driver seat. So instead of that lets address the root causes so that NATO becomes obsolete and makes it useless vehicle hence preventing US from using it as a vehicle for their aggression and imperialism.
You are not describing other purposes, you are describing means by which NATO pursues it's one purpose. Also, what is your understanding of the word "imperialism"?
the policy, practice, or advocacy of extending the power and dominion of a nation especially by direct territorial acquisitions or by gaining indirect control over the political or economic life of other areas