Eventually you realize you forget almost as much as you learn, it's like a bilge pump in a sinking boat. Then you focus on what you want to remember and come to acceptance with that.
I know way too much about the bronze age and not in a haha Ea-Nasir way but in a I have the major trade routes of the era memorized sort of way. The only official education I have is a high school diploma that even then I probably shouldn't have gotten since I failed math outright.
You thirst to know more but have a soul crushing deficit of self esteem and truly believe you're incapable of anything more than menial labor. You remain with your thirst, not content with your ignorance, but unable to overcome the self image of "absolute moron with no place in the scientific community who must be narcissistic for even thinking he could be" and so you grow to hate yourself even more because of it!
Though fair warning if you are too much of a knowledge collector Odin will invade your dreams and you will become a neo-pagan. Or atleast thats what happened to be, I throw shit at him when he does, he laughs.