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Luigi's Manifesto - Thanks Ken Klipz

Kenny Klipz has the goods. This is the real thing, most likely.

BTW it's not behind paywall so do our guy some good and give him some traffic for the scoop.

United States | News & Politics

Luigi's Manifesto

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Antiwork: Unemployment for all, not just the rich!

Luigi Mangione's Manifesto

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  • this is a fed excercisse in creative writing..

    how are you all falling for this shit ?

    even prepares that they Dont have much evidence on his computer : "The spiral notebook, if present, has some straggling notes and To Do lists that illuminate the gist of it. My tech is pretty locked down because I work in engineering so probably not much info there"

    if i where the Jury i would not be convinced . looks all to plannted .. why does he suddenly wants to be caught ?

    • I mean, if it is, it's at least "real" in the sense as the one that feds have had and are leaking to the media (versus the forgery ppl were talking about the past day or two).

      Ken has good sources and is generally reliable, plus this echoes stuff that's been said by the outlets selectively leaking bits.

      If you want to assume it's fed, that's on you (i'm ambivalent if this is a patsy situation or not myself), but this is the "manifesto" in the sense of the thing that is alleged to have been on him. I trust Ken that far at least.

      • Edit : Sorry , did read it wrong

        the Super escapist went , dressed with his murder cloths and with his murder Weapon, into the Mc donald, he also Wrote a Manifest that explainse the lack of evidence on his computer , and in which he thanked us the cops ,as Cops are Awsome! , for their valuable service to the community"

        • Yeah to clarify: I can totally buy it's a fed fabrication, but even so, it is the "real" manifesto that we're going to get. I'm not fully persuaded it's a forgery or not - we could read the cop praise as typical american brainworms (one too many SVU's) but it could also be


          • when somebody kills a royal price , the King will hang somebody on the Market square. And before he will make him "uninspiring".

            If you are "undecided " if this is real or fake , your actualy violating a basic prinicple of justice . the "Guilty" until proven innoncent .. and you help therefore to frame him guilty and therefore allready half way where they want you.

            • Even if it's a setup we should engage with what's out there, rather than just yelling "wake up sheeple." Especially because for many libs this will be persuasive, and we should use the "manifesto" and events such as they are to further our ends.

              I'm not fully convinced he's not a patsy, but until more evidence that he is a patsy arises, we need to engage the libs where they are rather than turn them off with "it's all a setup don't you see!" I get your skepticism comrade, but I also just don't see the value in rejecting this outright - if it's what's going to be discussed as the shooter's manifesto, we should reckon with it (even if we might harbor suspicions of fed meddling).

              • I'm not fully convinced he's not a patsy

                why would you say such a thing , why not have not more responsibility ..

                if he is : He clearly isnt

                if he isnt : he clearly isnt as well and you help the State murder some random fuck to demonstrate its power .. why not leave the "everything is entertaiment" sphere for a moment .

                Your social duty is to scream from every ucking rooftop that he is a Patsy set up. Nothing else .

                • What if he makes definitive statements that yes it was him and he doesn't regret it? Is he then an asset who did this on behalf of an alphabet org?

                  I also doubt the security footage looks anything like this guy, and I think its bizzarre as fuck that he had all the evidence on him still hundreds of miles and days away considering how effective the adjuster seemed to be on the day of the attack and those that followed, but like, if he starts saying it was him and shit I don't have much of a reason to disbelieve

                  It could really be as simple as he planned to make a clean getaway but then realized he was famous and beloved and thought hey maybe I can say some stuff during my trial to make a bigger difference

                  I'm still sus about all this until further notice, but its by no means guaranteed

            • Most people actually are uninspiring. Most Americans do support the cops. It’s perfectly normal for someone to hate this particular CEO but lack the theory to see the larger class struggle.

              You might be right but I think you’re not seeing the equal possibility that it is exactly as reported.

    • "Also feds I actually think you're super cool and I bet you all fuck a lot especially Jerry Smith, who is employed in the public relations department of the FBI he looks like he has a monster dong"

      • By the way this was not written by Jerry Smith I just think he's a super cool guy and Lisa in accounting would be stupid for not going out with him.

    • I've been saying since yesterday that I don't believe he's the real shooter. This is all far too convenient lol and he looks fuck all like the guy(s) in the CCTV footage to me.