How was this a surprise?
How was this a surprise?
How was this a surprise?
Oh they’re not comparable? Which party isn’t supporting genocide right now?
Unless you care about literally nothing else, that doesn't make the two parties equal. Trump is more enthusiastic about that anyways and has actively sabotaged Biden's ceasefire attempts and said he would destroy Palestine entirely. It's pretty close though tbh considering Biden keeps sending weapons. I wish the dems would just man up and back out of there
I care about plenty of other things, too. The climate, income inequality, homelessness rates, hunger rates, corporate greed, the out of control military industrial complex, immigration reform, prison industrial complex, etc. The Dems and GOP are equal on all of that. Genocide is just the worst thing imaginable, so it’s the subject most worth mentioning.
Dems might have slightly better rhetoric, but people can’t eat promises.
Are you kidding me? Like legit is this a troll? In what reality are dems and repubs even remotely close on most of those issues?
Actually you know what, I'm bored, I have time to spend. I'll do this off the top of my head:
Climate: Trump tries to back out of climate agreements and rolls back several environmental and corporate regulations. I'm not very well-versed here but this was a regular thing when he was president. Biden's admin I believe passed some climate policy as well.
Income Inequality: Democrats propose higher taxes on the rich and more social program spending. Repubs do not. In fact iirc they tried to lower taxes on the rich again. Dems have tried out UBI and other experiments in some cities. Dems are more pro-union than repubs. Dems funded the IRS to catch millionaires dodging taxes.
Homelessness Rates: Pretty even. Democrat cities tend to be nicer to them but don't solve the systemic issues.
Hunger Rates: Dems have regularly tried to improve the school lunch programs and make them cost less or be free. Repubs do not. Adult hunger rates idk.
Corporate Greed: When the government is under democratic control we spend more on the IRS, anti-monopoly measures, government regulation in general, etc. The antidote to corporate greed is regulation.
Military: About the same
Immigration Reform: Trump is literally threatening to deport american citizens and plans to round up all the illegal immigrants the moment he gets into office. He allowed ICE to enter any home within 100 miles of the border. His literal main selling point is that he hates immigrants and things the dems are letting too many in.
Prisons: About the same. Prison system sucks
Genocide: Way more equal than it should be, but slight dem edge as I've talked about earlier. That edge doesn't matter a lot.
The dems have done more than promise. They've significantly helped out poorer americans with debt relief, regulations, and enforcement on corporations.
It seems like the problem is you treat Dem promises the same as actual results. Particularly on climate and immigration, you’re way off- the Biden admin broke records on both of those with deportations and fossil fuel extractions far, far higher than Trump’s.
It's not just promises. Every one of those policies I mentioned was implemented afaik.
Biden deported a lot of illegal immigrants, but he ended many of the cruel Trump-era policies while doing it. See this comparison.
Do you have numbers for your fossil fuel claim?
Already noticing disinformation with the first point. Not only did Biden continue construction of Trump’s wall, but he also waived environmental protections to get it built faster. So far, he’s deported 250x 250% as many people as Trump.
250x?? Literally no, what? Talk about disinfo...
Anyways I'll grant you that he was more anti-immigration than even I knew. Still, the other points hold.
As for the wapo article: Paywall, and I'm at work so I can't use any of my normal bypasses.
That was a typo. 250% more people. Not 250x.
Ah, okay. Sorry for the late response but I think I've said all I need to. Thanks for the debate, it was a good one.