Things that people say that alert you of them being fascist?
Literally any mention of some supposed 'western civilization' or 'western culture'. Like just say the 14 words already, cause we all know that's what you believe in. Fucking coward
A lifetime ago I was into fashy memes on 4chan so I got to learn the inns and outs of hating Jewish people. Anything like "oy vey" "goyim" or a -berg at the end of a last name can be a red flag you're dealing with an antisemite. Problem is now a lot of them have dressed up their hatred in more respectable politics by attaching themselves to the anti-zionist movement in the west. So you get chucklefucks like Jackson Hinkle who you think oh wow cool they're anti-Israel so their politics must me good but nope.
Oy vey sounds really appropriate for what it's expressing. I use it for minor annoyances all the time. I throw a shalom down I stead of 'hello' as well but that's in the pile of hello and goodbye in different languages that I kinda just grab from