Between 2017 and 2021, things got pretty bad. Riots, wars, a plague, economic crash, and it ended with a mob breaking into the nation's capital and trashing the place.
At some point he needs to be able to physically enact proposals. Like, it's one thing to say "Build a wall" and it's another to get the land rights, hire the contractors, do the work, maintain it on competition, etc, etc.
You can go down to the border now and you'll find this rink a dink bullshit that's falling over in a light breeze. Then you've got spools full of razor wire tossed into the steadily shallower Rip Grande. People got paid tens of millions to put that garbage in the ground. And that was under an ostensibly competent administration.
I agree we're going to get a ton of shit policy. Police violence under Trump is going to skyrocket. Vigilantee violence is going to jump. Border guard violence is going through the roof. But, like, is he going to build anything that can last? Or is he going to get the Americanized version of Neom? A bunch of scammers delivering invisible clothes to prance around in.