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HW News - Linus Tech Tips' Terrible Response, ESMC, & Starfield x AMD GPUs

News from Gamers Nexus. Including some part about the response from Linus regarding the previous video. Linus really likes to jump the gun and digging holes for himself.


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  • my goodness, they need to slow the video output rate so that they can carefully consider the content of responses to valid criticism.

    • I think Linus is convinced that if they slow down at all, the entire company will collapse because they've grown so huge. They also ran up huge debt to build the Labs which will not start generating revenue for a long time.

      • Well, then it's a good thing that he didn't also blow a bunch of money on a mansion, a "true" mansion, and then a badminton court. That would have been a real waste of money that could have gone to a safety net for the company instead, so, you know, it's great that he didn't do anything like that.

        • I felt that whole series was so out of touch and so cringy, oh my..

        • Wait are you saying he was mixing his own personal money and the businesses money? I am very much curious about the context/story here.

          • Not actually what I meant. I would have no idea if he mixed personal money and business money directly, but as the co-owner of the business with his wife, and last I knew they were the only owners but I'm not actually certain about that, they could have allowed for the company to keep a better safety net and reduced their own take-home as owners even while keeping their compensation as CEO and CFO. Instead, they made a lot of large purchases, I'm not sure which allocation they took this stuff from because a lot of it was their own but a lot of it also became content for the channel so I have no idea if it was personal or company money they spent, while claiming that the company was in a debt that would take years to see any return on much less profit. It seemed a little tone-deaf to be moving from a small mansion to a "real" mansion while also complaining that the company they owned and at the time were CEO and CFO of was taking on dangerous levels of debt.

            Now, I'm not saying that he shouldn't have a salary or that he shouldn't be able to spend his own money. But he's talked before about how his finances and the company's profits are closely linked as the owner of LMG. He has said, "Any extra profit that we have as a company goes in my pocket," when trying to explain how he thought stepping down as CEO and hiring someone else would create less incentive to run the company for maximum profitability. That has... It's own problems that tie in with his wanting to keep employees hourly and not salary and a bunch of other things, but none of that was my point or the point of this comment. The truth is that we don't know how he runs his business in great detail or how the financials are handled. But at the very least, it was not a good look even at the time before this most recent controversy.

      • I've been wondering about that too; really not sure where the ROI was going to come from for such a massive investment. Sure, it enhances the videos, but by that much? Unlikely. Where's the income generation happening on all that equipment?

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