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How did an easily debunked story of immigrants abducting cats and dogs become a bigger source of outrage than neverending school shootings?

When Trump brought the cat and dog thing up at the debate, I thought he was cooked and that nobody in the right frame of mind, not even the average chud, would believe it, but the next day people at my work were talking about how true it is and that it needs to be stopped. It's amazing and scary how easily people are quick to believe something without a shred of evidence.

Even my mom texted me a mugshot of a woman who was arrested for killing and trying to eat a cat. But when I replied that it happened in a completely different city and the suspect was a US born citizen with mental issues, she said that the suspect was actually Haitian, it happened in Springfield and the police are pretending it happened somewhere else to make their town look good.

I don't even know how to respond to a take like that. Just a year or so ago she was happy to see Alex Jones getting canceled for threatening families of the kids who died at Sandy Hook. Now she's believing and forwarding Jones-grade conspiracy shit, and she couldn't care less about school shootings anymore. It's depressing as fuck.


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  • Animals are held in higher esteem than children. Heckin doggorinos go woof and bork bork while kids scream and poop and cry at my Golden Corral.

    Besides, guns are more important to stop the [removeds] from invading my home and torching my Applebees.

    Dirty browns and [removeds] are eating our heckin kitterinos and doggies because theyre savage and backwards like the chinese [removeds] while we eat the good moral food animals.

    All the [removeds] are here to screw up our pure and good country with their ugly poor stupid backwards culltures which means a Haitian resturaunt will replace my favorite hole-in-the-wall McDonalds

    • Saw a video of a guy playing a game, Little Miss Fortune, where a little girl falls and he laughs but right after something bad happened to the dog and he gets all weepy-eyed. Like, come on.

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