How do people in this day in age become nazis/neonazies sexist or even incels when there is so much knowledge against it? Do they get anything out of being that way?
I would imagine it gives you the taste of "everyone is lying to you" and then latch on to... Other people still lying to you, but it's just randoms online, they'd never lie like govt or the MSM.
It's easy to fall into if you don't have the critical thinking skills to sift through what is/isn't bullshit.
I think this occurs most when a mainstream source mixes opinion and fact. People hear the opinion, over time it turns out to be incorrect so people move away from the mainstream.
When a fringe commentator states an opinion that later turns out to be incorrect, those errors are forgiven (or forgotten) or a similar replacement fringe content provider is consumed.
I've seen more than a few people assert "horseshoe theory" on this subject. Since the Far Left and the Far Right are the same, they turn you right by sending you left.
Anti-Americanism makes you a Trump supporter or Xi supporter or whatever. And these fucked secret programs from the 60s and 70s make you anti-American. Ergo...