What's a life lesson you learned the hard way that you'd want to share with others to help them avoid the same mistake?
What's a life lesson you learned the hard way that you'd want to share with others to help them avoid the same mistake?
What's a life lesson you learned the hard way that you'd want to share with others to help them avoid the same mistake?
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Don’t date someone through high school into college. You are young, you don’t know yourself, and you will change a lot. Also, there’s thousands of new people to meet in college and, if you’re already taken, you won’t know where a conversation after class could take you. Be free and experience life.
I can't really speak to this personally except that from what I've observed in friends it seems fine for people to just end up even marrying their high school partner. Not my thing, but they seem as happy and stable as anyone else.
Either way I would highly recommend staying at least friendly with old friends / intimate partners. They provide invaluable insights later in your life.
No one can call you on your shit better than someone who's had their fingers up your ass.
Yeah, we are still good friends. But all the opportunities we both missed because we thought we were forever is kind of disappointing. And you don’t get those college days again.
And for the downvoters - I’m not saying don’t marry your high school sweetheart but, if it’s meant to be, then find your way back to them and at least you know and it’s not just default mode.
I think people romanticise (fetishise?) relationships in university/college. People are only marginally more mature than they were in high school. I'm sure dating as an adult sucks but a relationship is a relationship regardless of how you meet each other.