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ISPs worry that killing FCC net neutrality rules will come back to haunt them ISPs worry that killing FCC net neutrality rules will come back to haunt them

Telcos want it both ways, urging SCOTUS to block federal rules and state laws.

ISPs worry that killing FCC net neutrality rules will come back to haunt them

Telcos want it both ways, urging SCOTUS to block federal rules and state laws.

BrainWorms DeadWorld
ISPs worry that killing FCC net neutrality rules will come back to haunt them

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  • On the one hand I think ISPs concerns shouldn't necessarily be ignored. It is crazy to try to force pricing or other free market values.

    I think it is good to stop them from throttling content or other bad behavior but the FCC shouldn't be getting its hands in the weeds.

    • It is crazy to try to force pricing or other free market values.

      The US government has, on multiple occasions, spent many many billions of dollars subsidizing the expansion of broadband internet. Often the ISPs would take the funds and under deliver, drastically. Like "Sure, we'll take $ to provide broadband in these areas" then provide it for like, a neighborhood within that area, mark that area as having access to broadband now, and cash their check.

      ...Or they'll lie about covering areas or planning to cover areas to prevent rival/startup ISPs from getting similar funding to expand access to an area without access. Imagine you don't have broadband and your ISP lied to the FCC so a rival ISP could not get grants/subsidies they'd use to fund their broadband expansion to your area.

      They lie and cheat to steal government and customer money and maintain their anticompetitive monopolies. Its not a free market.

      • Then stop funding them with tax payer money. If you want competition lower the bar to entry. I want to see small towns do community infrastructure as an alternative to the terrible single ISPs that are normally present.

        In bigger cities this isn't an issue. I can get fiber gigabit for pennies on the dollar through multiple companies. Competition is everything and if there isn't a big enough population to warrant bring in more companies then the community should make an ISP. Also I think Star link has done some good in that arena.

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