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Space Engine

  • Big crater streaks

    This rocky (and sandy) moon has produced some great big displacement streaks, at the site of this meteor impact!


  • Ringed Ice Giant Over Volcano

    I made a video for this place, with time sped up fast enough for its progression to be easily seen, and added some music to it. I need to see if I can find that, and if I do I will upload it here!


  • A Strange Occurrence...

    Here is the explanation: This is from a binary star system where one star is red, and the other is blue. Both stars are eclipsing the moon in the foreground, onto the planet in the background. In the areas where light from both stars falls, the planet looks as it normally would. In the upper-most circle the blue starlight is filtered out, but the red gets through. In the bottom circle the red light is filtered out, and only the blue gets through. In the center portion the light from both stars is blocked, so it gets no light.

    Because this planet has no atmosphere, the shadows remain crisp along its surface.


  • J1407b - Largest known extrasolar ring system


  • How to Export a 360° Video from SE 0.99+

    I made this thread about how to do this on the official SE boards a couple years ago, and nobody uses those any more apparently, but here's the gist of all that:

    1. Go into SE settings > Display and change the view from "perspective" to "cylindrical".
    2. Set the windowed screen resolution in SE to 3216 x 1608 for a resulting 4k 360 video.
    3. Export MP4 video.
    4. Inject the 360 data into the resulting MP4 with the Spatial Media Metadata injector tool.
    5. Upload the tagged 360 MP4 to YouTube
    6. Download the full-resolution 360 encoded VR video when it's done processing.

    And here's an example video. Be sure to select the highest resolution, it makes a big difference!

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