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  • howdy Rick
    LemmyTools is released! Now with Top Bar as default! Browser addon new: LemmyTools functionality is being explored to go into the "Instance Assistant for kbin & lemmy!" by cynber! LemmyTools

    A small suite of tools to make Lemmy easier.

    I wanted to get this update out... As I believe the top bar is entirely more usable than the sidebar. It is of basic functionality and works nicely. Next release will allow you to pin favorite communities to the top bar (shown when you are not searching for a community).

    Also, exciting news, we are beginning to explore adding LemmyTools functionality to the "Instance Assistant for kbin & lemmy!" by cynber browser addon found: & !

    For now, I will keep the updates for the UserScript version of LemmyTools as is while integration into the addon is being worked.

    I am having a lot going on in my personal life so that is why updates are a bit slower. Thank you to cwagner for making the lovely user tagger feature as of last release as that is a nifty feature.

    Please feel free to tell me what you think about everything.





    Installation and Configuration:

    1 - Browser must have a Userscript addon (Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey, Etc…). Tested with Greasemonkey.

    2 - Download either the .JS file or install from greasyfork.

    3 - Set home lemmy instance via options page once script is loaded (and manually edit the homeInstance variable in script for all functionality)

    This script is all done by a complete amateur for fun. Enjoy and feel free to fork it!

    Get it here: Github or GreasyFork

    Please submit issues to the github for feature requests and problems: Github LemmyTools Issues

  • New LemmyTools Bar - Top Bar - Coming soon! ala old.aliensite influence.

    Made some real progress on this. Still want to add a few features before releasing. I am liking this better than the sidebar already. Namely want to add the customizable personal list you can drag/drop communities to to "pin" them to the bar. New options icon too. Still some to do but the functionality is very nice and is coming along. Still styling to do... etc..

    Just thought I'd share. I am having a whole lot going on in personal life right now so it may be a few days before I can get this out. Maybe not, just depends :)

    Just wanted to share

    !Screenshot 2023-07-17 070414 !image !image

  • LemmyTools - Released. Many bug fixes and functionality improvements.

    LemmyTools is released! I believe this is the most functional release yet mainly due to some fantastic contributions from other folks on github who are definitely better programmers than I am! I just want to personally say thank you to:

    • - For coding, code cleanup, and mentoring.
    • Charles Machalow - csm10495 - Coding contribution(s).
    • jimmyhiggs337 - Coding contribution(s).

    I am happy to say that the image expansion, and "show all" functionality is much more reliable and customizable now.

    More improvements/features are being developed. Please check back often and check updates at least every day. Please create a ticket on github or message me with your issues, thoughts and feature requests.

    Also, if anyone is able to message me about beginning to start moving this UserScript to a browser addon please see this post.

    Installation and Configuration:

    1 \- Browser must have a Userscript addon (Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey, Etc...). Tested with Greasemonkey.

    2 \- Download either the .JS file or install from greasyfork.

    3 \- Set home lemmy instance via options page once script is loaded (and manually edit the homeInstance variable in script for all functionality)

    This script is all done by a complete amateur for fun. Enjoy and feel free to fork it!

    Get it here: Github or GreasyFork

    Please submit issues to the github for feature requests and problems: Github LemmyTools Issues

  • LemmyTools - is released!

    LemmyTools \- ReadMe

    Current Features:

    • All links open in new tab with noreferrer enabled
    • Adds a positional side bar that has a searchable list of communities
    • Click&drag to resize images
    • Set image size after clicking thumbnail
    • Hide Lemmy Sidebars
    • Show all images on page automatically or by a button click \- \- (works with all languages now and can be disabled)
    • Adds the ability to use the old.reddit style script by soundjester/lemmy\_monkey:\_monkey (Also: Option to edit post and comment size for easier reading).
    • Auto unblur NSFW images
    • A link back to home instance on remote instances
    • Browse remote community on home instance
    • Subscribe to instance easier that doesn't exist on your home instance.
    • Works and styled for mobile use as well.

    Installation and Configuration:

    1 \- Browser must have a Userscript addon (Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey, Etc...). Tested with Greasemonkey.

    2 \- Download either the .JS file or install from greasyfork.

    3 \- Set home lemmy instance via options page once script is loaded (and manually edit the homeInstance variable in script for all functionality)

    This script is all done by a complete amateur for fun. Enjoy and feel free to fork it!

    Get it here: Github or GreasyFork

    Please submit issues to the github for feature requests and problems: Github LemmyTools Issues



  • LemmyTools is released!

    Current Features: 0.2

    • All links open in new tab with noreferrer enabled
    • Adds a positional side bar that has a searchable list of communities
    • Click&drag to resize images
    • Set image size after clicking thumbnail
    • Hide Lemmy Sidebars
    • Show all images on page automatically or by a button click
    • Adds the ability to use the old.reddit style script by soundjester/lemmy_monkey: (Also: Option to edit post and comment size for easier reading).
    • Auto unblur NSFW images
    • A link back to home instance on remote instances
    • Browse remote community on home instance
    • Subscribe to instance easier that doesn't exist on your home instance.
    • Works and styled for mobile use as well.

    Installation and Configuration:

    1 - Browser must have a Userscript addon (Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey, Etc...). Tested with Greasemonkey.

    2 - Download either the .JS file or install from greasyfork.

    3 - Set home lemmy instance via options page once script is loaded (and manually edit the homeInstance variable in script for all functionality)

    This script is all done by a complete amateur for fun. Enjoy and feel free to fork it!



    Please submit issues to the github for feature requests and problems: Github LemmyTools Issues

    ! !

    Mobile Non-Intrusive Sidebar:


  • How to install and configure: LemmyTools

    Installation and Configuration as of

    1 - Browser must have a Userscript addon (Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey, ViolentMonkey, Etc...).

    2 - Install from greasyfork or download LemmyTools.js from GitHub.

    3 - Set home lemmy instance via options page once script is loaded (and manually edit the homeInstance variable in script for all functionality.)

    This script is all done by a complete amateur for fun. Enjoy and feel free to fork it!

    Get it here: Github or GreasyFork

    Please submit issues to the github for feature requests and problems: Github LemmyTools Issues

  • LemmyTools - - LemmyTools is released. Will be the last update for a few days. Next update features?

    Hey all, now that is out and looking fairly stable...

    I am wanting to start focusing on more LemmyTools sidebar features.

    Immediate thoughts are:

    • Make an option where the list is sorted by most recently visted subs.
    • Automatically refresh the community list without having to go back to the feed page.
    • Show stats for community
    • Make an alert for stale communities (no posts for X amount of days). A signal to remove (non-annoying perhaps).
    • Make Easy Subscribe button work "easier". Show button back on page somewhere and not just in LT bar.
    • Make call function to show subscribed lists on remote instances and to indicate your subscription status.
    • Hide Lemmy SideBars stops the ability to post and subscribe (fix).


    • Git away from UserScript and move to browser addon.

    Anything else your interested in seeing? Thanks! See you all around the fediverse!

  • LemmyTools - Released



    • Fixed Expanding Images (More reliable expanding (click and drag), Fixed issue of having to hide past expanded images to expand current image)
    • Adding Expanding Image Speed Control in options for fine tuning of expanding images.
    • Removed Scroll Bars from LemmyTools Bar
    • Fixed CSS breaking community and profile icons/avatars
    • Changed various defaults after further use.
    • Changed styling. patch:

    • Fixed LTbar style funkiness on light themes.
    • Fixed default values for mobile bar vertical position.

    New for 0.1.2:

    Auto-Expand and Click&Drag to expand lemmy images! Hide Lemmy Sidebars - More space for images on feed Auto unblur NSFW images option Option to enable old.Reddit (from - Thank you! Hover to activate lemmy Toolbar Significant UI changes Reworked easy button for offsite

    Fixes Fix for '#' breaking easy subscribe button Fix for script breaking other sites due to poor isLemmy implementation. Fixed memory allocation issue with eventHandlers Various UI bug fixes (not showing all communities, settings menu display, etc...)

    Script Features:

    Adds “Easy Subscribe” button to remote instance communities. Adds a collapsible sidebar on the side of screen that shows a searchable list of your subscribed communities. Adds link back to home instance and a community browser. Adds an options menu to configure LemmyTools settings.

    Feature for future releases:

    When off site collect a list of communities and display in sidebar for easy subscription. (beginning implementation 0.1.2) Create communities grouping function. Sort sub list by recently visited Create addon for firefox/chrome.

    Installation and Configuration:

    1 - Browser must have a Userscript addon (Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey, Etc...). Tested with Greasemonkey.

    2 - Download either the .JS file or install from greasyfork.

    3 - Set home lemmy instance via options page once script is loaded (and manually edit the homeInstance variable for the offsite home instance fix.

    This script is all done by a complete amateur for fun. Enjoy and feel free to fork it!



    Please submit issues to the github for feature requests and problems: Github LemmyTools Issues


  • LemmyTools - 0.1.2 - Is almost ready! Be out in the next day or two. Lots of new features.

    New Features:

    • Expandable Images
      • Acts as an auto-expander and adds the ability manually expand images by clicking and dragging.
      • Will be releasing as a seperate UserScript
    • Hide Lemmy SideBars
      • Trending, ServerInfo, Communities
    • Auto unblur NSFW images
    • Hover to activate LemmyTools bar (or click bar).

    Major fixes:

    • Performance issues causing crashes. (done)
    • UI elements more user friendly.
  • Release LemmyTools 0.1.1 - Userscript

    LemmyTools 0.1.1 \- GreaseMonkey Addon Script

    Current Features:

    • Adds “Easy Subscribe” button to remote instance communities.
    • Adds a collapsible sidebar on the side of screen that shows a searchable list of your subscribed communities.
    • Adds link back to home instance and a community browser.
    • (new) \- Adds an options menu to configure LemmyTools settings.

    Upcoming features:

    • When off site collect a list of communities and display in sidebar for easy subscription.
    • Create sub communities grouping function.
    • Create remote instance search of communities and integrate with easy subscribe method.
    • Create addon for firefox/chrome.

    Installation and Configuration:

    1 \- Browser must have Greasemonkey addon (You could use another JS injector app for the .js). Tested with Greasemonkey.

    2 \- Download either the .JS file or install from greasyfork.

    3 \- Set home lemmy instance via options page once script is loaded

    This script is all done by a complete amateur for fun. Enjoy and feel free to fork it!

    Get it here: Github or GreasyFork

    Please submit issues to the github for feature requests and problems: Github LemmyTools Issues

    ChangeLog: 0.1.1 \- Updated added settings menu, fixed new compatibility changes with lemmy 0.18. 0.1a \- Initial Release

  • Release LemmyTools 0.1a - GreaseMonkey Addon Script · howdy-tsc/LemmyTools Release LemmyTools 0.1a - GreaseMonkey Addon Script · howdy-tsc/LemmyTools

    Current Features: Adds “Easy Subscribe” button to remote instance communities. Adds a collapsible sidebar on the left side of screen that shows a searchable list of your subscribed communities. Add...

    Release LemmyTools 0.1a - GreaseMonkey Addon Script · howdy-tsc/LemmyTools

    Get it here:\-tsc/LemmyTools or\-lemmytools

    LemmyTools 0.1a \- GreaseMonkey Addon Script

    Current Features:

    • Adds “Easy Subscribe” button to remote instance communities.
    • Adds a collapsible sidebar on the left side of screen that shows a searchable list of your subscribed communities.
    • Adds link back to home instance for easy navigation when on remote instances.
    • On remote instance side bar is very much useless currently except for the link back home.

    Upcoming features:

    • When off site collect a list of communities and display in sidebar for easy subscription.
    • Create option page for saving homeinstance and other options.
    • Create sub communities grouping function.
    • Create remote instance search of communities and integrate with easy subscribe method.
    • Create addon for firefox/chrome.

    Installation and Configuration:

    1 \- Browser must have Greasemonkey addon (You could use another JS injector app for the .js). Tested with Greasemonkey.

    2 \- Download either the .JS file or install from greasyfork.

    3 \- After adding the script to greasemonkey, edit the script variable to add your home instance of lemmy.

    EDIT THIS LINE: const theHomeinstance = ‘’;

    This script is all done by a complete amateur for fun. Enjoy and feel free to fork it!

    Community Sidebar:


    Community Sidebar \- Search:


    Easy Subscribe Button:


1 Active user