Materials from CORNELL CS4780/CS5780: Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems
K-Means Clustering Infographic
My LLM CLI tool now supports self-hosted language models via plugins
Classification Model Evaluation Metrics
Introduction to Domain Adaptation for Neural Networks
The standardization fallacy: the importance of variance
OpenChat_8192 - The first model to beat 100% of ChatGPT-3.5
GitHub - microsoft/Data-Science-For-Beginners: 10 Weeks, 20 Lessons, Data Science for All!
Emerging Architectures for LLM Applications | Andreessen Horowitz
Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning
Neural Network Interactive Browser App: Tensorflow Playground
MPT-30B-Chat - a Hugging Face Space by mosaicml
101 fundamentals for aspiring the model makers
Good collection of introductions to topics for stats and machine learning: Nature Methods' Points of Significance
What are your favourite tools for searching for info and why?
On sourcing for benchmark datasets: Will the Real Iris Data Please Stand Up?
Fast python convolution along one axis only
Need help understanding this code on power consumption prediction using LSTM
Deep learning: the unintuitive relationship between overparameterization, overfitting and generalization
What's the kernel trick? (explanation)