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  • Antifascist Omar Mukhtar was born on this day in 1862. He fought colonialism for nearly two decades.

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    > >‘Omar al-Mokhtar is considered the great symbol for the Libyan resistance (Jihad) against the Italian occupation. In 1922 he reorganized the Mojahideen and re-ignited the resistance against Italy after World War I when the [Fascists] thought that they succeeded in silencing the Libyan resistance. Omar Al-Mokhtar was ill [a] couple of times and many of his comrades asked him to retire and leave the country; he was [nearly] 80 years old. But he refused and kept fighting and he deserved a name given to him as “The Lion of the Desert.” On 16 September, 1931 the [Fascists] hanged Omar Al-Mokhtar in the city of Solouq and they forced the Libyans to watch their hero be hanged. No consideration to Omar Al-Mokhtar's old age, no consideration to international law and no consideration to world war treaties.’ > > (Source. Note that the ‘Mojahideen’ is not to be confused with the unrelated Afghan mujahideen.) > > As paraphrased in the dramatization Lion of the Desert, to General Rodolfo Graziani: > > >‘We will never surrender. We win, or we die. […] You will have the next generation to fight, and after the next, the next. As for me, I will live longer than my hangman.’ > > — Omar al-Mukhtar (1862–1931)

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