What are the differences between links, blinkies, stamps and buttons?
Pledging for a Better Web
james g on programming being like cooking
W3C TAG Ethical Web Principles
jacob hall is continuing kicks condor's work on whostyles!
webmentiond: a simple Webmention receiver writeen in Go
a different perspective on cool URIs
james tomasino on comments
let a webmention and websub enabled site interact with activitypub
indieweb for wordpress? still needs work.
marty mcguire on the state of webmentions
how to take your reviews from goodreads and put them into a wordpress install
I made a little guide for adding webmentions to a Neocities site
avoiding caching others' PII with runtime javascript
iframe-based quotation UX pattern (with implementation)
content, bloat, privacy, archives
Why Medium is Not the Home for Your Ideas – The Hulry
Friend of a Friend: The Facebook That Could Have Been (a sobering tale of structured data)
Into the Personal-Website-Verse · Matthias Ott
Automate your outgoing webmentions