A script to compute GitHub organisation year review
Evolving GitHub Issues (public preview)
Automatically add your GitHub Sponsors to your README
Dynamically generated stats for your GitHub README files
Add dynamically generated GitHub Stat Trophies on profile
wtf GitHub?!
Over 3.1 million fake "stars" on GitHub projects used to boost rankings
GitHub launches a free version of its Copilot
Browser extension that makes it easier to add co-authors when merging GitHub PRs.
Can't filter starred repos by language anymore?
Evolving GitHub Issues (Public Beta to get sub-issues)
A bunch of scripts to help manage GitHub organisations
Display Your Sponsors in Your GitHub READMEs
GitHub Marketplace: Social Preview for Your GitHub Actions
Repobeats: GitHub README analytics
contrib.rocks: Generate an Image of GitHub Repositories Top Contributors
Who Is the Ghost User on Github?
Get Real-Time GitHub Stars Notifications in Discord
Unlisted GitHub Repositories
Creating custom GitHub webhooks for automatic deployments