What's cheaper, Uber or Lyft? Depends on where you begin your trip.
Birth rate for twins in the United States from 1980 to 2021
YouTuber MrBeast had channels in multiple languages, but since YouTube added the additional audio track feature in February, they were merged, and he gained over 70 million subscribers in a year.
On average, the top 10% richest individuals work 0.9 hours less per week than the poorest 10%. An infographic with charts for different countries.
Snake Oil Supplements — Information is Beautiful
On weekdays and during school months, there is a significant elevation of suicide deaths in children.
Leonardo DiCaprio Refuses to Date a Woman His Age
The environmental impact of Beyond Meat and a beef patty
"What I'm about to learn about after my kid says, 'Wanna know somefing?' Data collected over the course of 7 days.