What have you done for the glory of The Empire?
Klingon Cinema
Not to mention the skunk streak in his hair adds an air of distinction.
"The Inner Light" originally included Ro Laren for a special purpose
"You hit me. Picard never hit me." - Q
Ted "The Trek" Stevens
Citroën creativ technologie
Someone uploaded "Star Trek: The Next Generation Interactive VCR Board Game - A Klingon Challenge" to youtube
Whoever wrote this episode should DIE -Gwen DeMarco
The Biggest Star Trek Questions the Franchise Still Hasn't Answered
And Kasidy makes ten. Ten oughta do it, don't you think?
What's wrong with them?
Maybe a touch of vanilla and yamok sauce will do the trick
In a way
♬ Ch-ch-ch chippy! ♬
I don't care about your opinion, man
10 Actors Who Were In The Orville AND Star Trek
Star Trek meets D&D
6 months I have waited to repost this
Nat 1