Buy European chat room - European database for products, services, brands and companies
Reminder that an alternative for Starlink is needed, exchange between Musk and the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs
Brands to avoid
What are your recommended European backpacks?
EU-US rift triggers call for made-in-Europe tech
European soda brands ?
What are the options for a European WiFi access point?
European Army Petition
European vacuums recommendations?
Music streaming services?
This community when US tech is brought up
How to Mastodon?
Tony's chocolonely - Dutch chocolate without child slavery!
They're not what they pretend to be!
How is Libre office nowadays? Is it a decent replacement to Microsoft Office?
Ritchie cola, from Belgium
Not completely convinced by the format, but worth a try
Not European, but quite remarkable: Moosehead offering new 'Presidential Pack' with just enough beers to get through Trump's presidency