Newsman @ WorldNews Posts 315Comments 7Joined 2 yr. ago

The dismembered body of a missing German man is found in the freezer of a home in Thailand
Elevated highway collapses in Bangkok, killing one and injuring 15 more (video)
Saudi Arabia deposits $2 billion in Pakistan's central bank as a boost ahead of a key IMF meeting
From ICC to 'sportswashing': The West's self-serving narratives must be combated
EU envoy tours Jenin refugee camp, says IDF operation violated international law
Complicity in Hate: Israeli Government Boycotts Conference on Attacks Against Christians
A German county elected a far-right candidate for the first time since the Nazi era, raising concern
Europe is facing drought with more groundwater being lost than replaced by rain
Chechnya, Russia: 'vicious' attack on Elena Milashina and Aleksandr Nemov must be investigated