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Off-Topic Friday
  • Small follow up - asked about bag recommendations like a month ago and went with the recommendation from - Mystery Ranch Catalyst 26l - been really happy so far.

  • New service - - Rustpad Rustpad: Collaborative Code Editor

    An efficient and minimal open-source collaborative text editor based on the operational transformation algorithm.

    For real-time collab - been in use daily ever since

    How to manage and document decisions
  • I'll look into it! Appreciate it, Cheers

  • New service - IT Tools - Handy online tools for developers

    Collection of handy online tools for developers, with great UX. IT Tools is a free and open-source collection of handy online tools for developers & people working in IT.

    IT Tools - Handy online tools for developers

    Aggregates useful tools for developer and people working in IT. Alternative to CyberChef.

    How to manage and document decisions

    Big or small, we make decisions every day. Rules, policies, processes, templates, etc.

    How do you document the process and results of your decision making and track changes?

    To give you some background, a lot of departments discuss certain topics every two weeks, but nothing is written down - it takes a lot of time and worse, some decisions change every two weeks.

    I've been trying to fight this battle with OneNote atm and was inspired by some software change management frameworks (wild mix of things):

    Each decision/problem gets a new page.

    • What is the question/problem?
    • Why is this decision necessary?
    • What are the pros and cons?
    • Which departments need to be involved? What is the scope? (department, site, country, continent, international, etc.)
    • What are the alternatives and consequences of not implementing?
    • plus changelog
    • plus metadata, such as parties involved, who proposed it, dates, etc.

    Still a work in progress, but it is a mix of RFC, ADR, and some other frameworks.

    How do you handle that?

    Dummy IP & MAC Addresses for Documentation & Sanitization ITTAVERN.COM

    SysAdmin Stuff | Linux | Network | Security

    Titles are getting longer and longer.

    Off-Topic Friday
  • We do. Security/Network > dummy data / files, brainstorming, drafts. Not part of a department-wide process, but rather part of an individual's workflow.

  • Deploying ISSO Commenting System for Static Content using Docker ITTAVERN.COM

    SysAdmin Stuff | Linux | Network | Security

    #isso #docker #selfhosting #hugo

    Mentorship Monday - Discussions for career and learning!
  • Gotcha - makes sense. appreciate it.

  • Mentorship Monday - Discussions for career and learning!
  • It may be a little late, but do you enjoy cybersecurity? - Chasing ghosts, scrolling through endless lines of logs, fending off threats, responding to incidents in high-stress situations, fighting for budgets, clients and colleagues who just don't care, being the "bad guy" in meetings, and so on.

    I've only been there a few months, but there's no light at the end of the tunnel. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with my environment, but I can't see myself doing this for a long time.

  • ssh-audit Primer - Audit your SSH Server ITTAVERN.COM

    SysAdmin Stuff | Linux | Network | Security

    Feedback is welcome - as always

    #ssh #linux #hardening #security

    Off-Topic Friday
  • I am pretty sure one of our consultants has this Osprey Comet. Looks decent! Wow, the Technonaut looks more like a travel bag than an everyday carry, and man, 400 bucks? And I thought my Veto Pro Pac was expensive.

  • My Personal Backup Strategy ITTAVERN.COM

    SysAdmin Stuff | Linux | Network | Security


    New article: My Personal Backup Strategy

    Feedback is welcome!

    #backup #borg #syncthing

    Off-Topic Friday
  • Just ordered the Catalyst 26. Thanks again

  • Off-Topic Friday
  • Those bags are looking great! Having enough space for tools and a big water bottle. Cheers

  • Off-Topic Friday
  • And fairly inexpensive - thanks!

  • Off-Topic Friday
  • It seems that I have to drive more often to the office again. Any bag recommendations? What is your favorite brand/ model?

  • iperf3 - User Authentication with Password and RSA Public Keypair ITTAVERN.COM

    SysAdmin Stuff | Linux | Network | Security

    I've been a little bit inactive. Trying to change it again. Most recent article.

    Mentorship Monday - Discussions for career and learning!
  • So, let's assume that you are in an international company and the first and only security person. What are your first steps and projects? It is like really vague, but I'd assume like a SIEM, inventory of the network and all devices, backup situation, maybe even honeypots?

    What are your high-prio things that every company should have? Is there even a framework for it?

    Feeling kinda lost and I hope you get some guidance in the right direction.

  • - New FreshRSS Service

    Set up new #FreshRSS instance for now. I want to read more and stay up to date on certain topics and I figured I could give RSS another chance. Stays invite-only for now, but feel free to hit me up if you want to have an account.

    TryHackMe - c4ptur3-th3-fl4g - Write Up ITTAVERN.COM

    SysAdmin Stuff | Linux | Network | Security

    Focus on decoding unknown strings.

    What are You Working on Wednesday (Special Thursday edition)
  • Testing a few CTF platforms to learn more about pentesting. It is interesting, but the learning curve is quite steep.

  • TryHackMe - Crack the hash - Write Up ITTAVERN.COM

    SysAdmin Stuff | Linux | Network | Security

    Not gonna lie, wasn't that fun. Learned a lot, but felt lost multiple times. Probably gets better over time.

    TryHackMe - Net Sec Challenge - Write Up - ITTavern Forum ITTAVERN.COM

    SysAdmin Stuff | Linux | Network | Security

    Doing some rooms on TryHackMe. Decided to create a write up of one room. Have to work on the format, but it should be fine for now.

    Feedback is welcome!

    Visual guide to SSH tunneling and port forwarding ITTAVERN.COM

    SysAdmin Stuff | Linux | Network | Security


    I think I've never share one of my favorite articles with you.

    Creating this was great and it has been a great resource ever since. I use SSH tunnel a lot in troubleshooting sessions and security demonstrations.

    0 is online and you are welcome! ITTAVERN.COM

    SysAdmin Stuff | Linux | Network | Security

    I am pleased to announce the launch of:

    More information can be found in this thread, but in short I miss the forum culture and want to create an open-minded and sustainable community.

    I welcome you and look forward to great discussions.

    Periodic 500 errors
  • Same here

  • New logo, new design, lower loading time

    I am happy to share with you the new design of my blog.

    New logo, new thumbnails, lots of CSS changes and everything is now hosted in a German DC.

    The goal was to create a clean design and reduce the loading time even further.

    Feedback is welcome.

    What are You Working on Wednesday
  • Currently using HedgeDoc for taking notes, but it is lacking some features, so I am trying to find and host some alternatives and compare them. And I hope I can find some time to play with my Flipper Zero....

  • What are You Working on Wednesday
  • I want to get into Ansible and I am building a testing env for it - home lab with various switches and routers, Fortinet, Palo, and a proxmox host server and some remote VPS. One of my goals for Q1 '24. Today I am going to prep the switches.

    Besides that, I want to host my own NFTY server and I hope that I can get it online within this week.

  • Mentorship Monday - Discussions for career and learning!
  • I am currently transitioning into a Security role at work. One question would be: what are the must-have tools for every blue team?

    • Vuln-Scanner
    • Logging/ SIEM-Server
    • ...
  • What are You Working on Wednesday
  • Learning things about Wireguard and implement it to secure my internet facing servers.

  • How do you find the bottleneck of a network?
  • Getting a pcap of another client could bring some insight, yeah.

    SSH is used for the data transfer. Without knowing it at this moment, I'd assume scp or rsync. You mean whether all their internet traffic is routed through the active SSH session?

  • How do you find the bottleneck of a network?
  • Gotcha! - I thought Wireguard might has some logging features that could provide some insights. Thank you.

  • How do you find the bottleneck of a network?
  • Not yet. Wouldn't expect it tbh, but you'll never know. How would you utilize Wirehuard for it? I'd like to hear more about it.

  • wop wop

    Blog: Feedback is appreciated

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