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Summer Giveaway because why not - Steam Codes! - Giveaway Ends Aug 31!
  • I saw some dragonflies flying around my backyard the other day and was reminded of that fact.

  • What's the latest gadget or tech that you regret buying?
  • Not at all. You can buy a receiver to use Xbox's proprietary wireless standard, which is marginally faster than bluetooth, but I use an Xbox Series X controller with my pc over bluetooth and it works just fine.

  • What's the latest gadget or tech that you regret buying?
  • You'll need to check the specs of your laptop to be sure, but most laptops nowadays have a bluetooth receiver built in. All you need to do is pair your xbox controller to it (and it's natively supported in Windows) and you're good to go.

  • Stormgate developers say they want to lower the RTS skill floor, not the skill ceiling: 'It's okay to be a high-skill game'
  • I'm looking forward most to the co-op missions. I liked those in SC2 and wished they had expanded on them more.

  • Hey, they didn't show this in anime...
  • Do you really believe people shouldn't be traveling abroad? Why is that? Do you believe everyone should stay home instead?

  • Hey, they didn't show this in anime...
  • Or they're going because now is a prime opportunity to visit on a budget. A tourist tax could mean some visitors staying for less time or deciding to visit somewhere else.

  • Epic Adds Ugly Tesla Cybertruck To Fortnite
  • Oh, I'm well aware. It was pretty amusing to play around with.

  • Epic Adds Ugly Tesla Cybertruck To Fortnite
  • Satisfactory did it first:

    This was added in 2020. It's kinda hard to tell in the pics, but it even has square wheels.

  • [A16Z GAMES] The Unlikely Return of the Video Game Demo
  • He has bills to pay like the rest of us, and considering he left traditional games media to start a crowdfunded project (NoClip), I doubt he would take a deal like this unless he needed to.

  • Weekend check in. What's going on with your weekend?
  • Hopefully finishing the paint job on my latest model and starting the build process.

  • What's been your favourite headset for gaming so far?
  • I'm on my 2nd Cloud 2 headset, love them. The only issue is the plastic on the sides tends to crack after a couple years.

  • Tech support workers, what are your favorite stories from your time in the industry?
  • When I worked help desk, a coworker of mine took a call where someone called in because one of the thin clients was on fire. The user was advised to call 911.

    I was helping a user reset their password and the convo went something like this: Me: Ok, your temporary password is Password1. Log in with that and you'll be prompted to change it. User: Is that a capital 1? Me: No, just a regular 1.

  • What's looking up for next week with everyone?
  • Me too! I'm not going anywhere over the next 2 weeks, but it will be nice to have the time off.

  • TRANSFORMERS: Galactic Trials | Announce Trailer
  • I bought that on a whim when it released and the worst part about it IMO was the limited replay value.

  • Technical quality of life advice
  • The best games in this regard are the ones that let you rebind everything and also have an alternate set of keymappings.

  • Blue Protocol developers talk about what went wrong with the MMORPG
  • but at a glance

    You must have missed this part. I'm well aware that Blue Protocol and Genshin Impact are very different, BUT AT A GLANCE, meaning only saw a few seconds of a trailer or some banner ads or something similar, they do look similar. It's funny you bring up BotW, since many called Genshin a BotW ripoff, despite them not having much in common outside of being open world and same art style, BUT AT A GLANCE, they do look very similar. Anyone who looks into these games for more than 30 seconds should be able to see they're quite different, but most will only be exposed to a few seconds of marketing, if anything, unless they're actively looking for more info.

  • Blue Protocol developers talk about what went wrong with the MMORPG
  • In Japan. It's supposed to release globally sometime this year.

  • Blue Protocol developers talk about what went wrong with the MMORPG
  • It's an open world anime game with action combat. Sure, there's more to it than that, but at a glance, I can see how people can make that connection.

  • Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree currently has a 'Mixed' status on Steam, with many of the negative reviews complaining that the bosses are too hard [also game's PC performance]
  • The article title seems to oversimplify things a little with the "too hard" bit. I read a couple dozen negative reviews, and most cite poor performance, copy-paste boss design, too much hp and/or too little player damage, and unfair mechanics. Sure, those last two aspects could be seen as "too hard", but they read like there's a difficulty spike from the base game. Whether this is a case of players needing to adapt or whether there's an actual issue here, I don't know, but seems there's more to this than just a case of players complaining about a hard game being hard.

  • wirelesswire wirelesswire
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