tree_frog @ tree_frog Posts 0Comments 108Joined 1 mo. ago
The hot take that was so bad you had to post it twice.
A lot of folks don't use Spotify at all. Myself included. I listen to a lot of podcasts, including Midas touch.
Why would I pay for audio, when I'm a fan of FOSS. And there's a number of free alternatives?
Sounds like Elon is a good candidate for addict camp.
A friend with weed is a friend indeed.
And a friend who calls out Nazis is better.
Following the 1932 Prussian coup d'état and the Nazi seizure of power in 1933, transgender movements, gathering places and institutions, such as the first homosexual movement, the Eldorado nightclubs, and the Institute for Sexual Science were dissolved, often by force. Both trans men and trans women were targeted under renewed enforcement of Paragraphs 175 and 183, and their transvestite passes were revoked or simply ignored. Books and texts relating to transgender experiences or medicine were destroyed as "un-German".
First of all, you are conflating forced experimentation with consensual medication.
Second, you are discounting what is happening in the United States right now, and what happened at the beginning of Nazi Germany.
Finally, I'm curious how you feel about plastic pollution. Because it's hurting children. HRT is not.
But bigots always are pretty mum on plastics and vocal about HRT, so I'm curious what your position is.
You support genocide then.
It is, it's also unlikely.
It depends on how you define addiction.
They create physical withdrawal. But they're not habit-forming as they have no direct action on dopamine.
So... as physically addictive as coffee and less psychologically addictive than television.
Anyway, they're easy to get off of if you switch to one with a long half life (prozac) and taper from there. Easier to give up than caffeine. Or TV.
I believe they'd have to reschedule cannabis federally to tax it.
I would be asking for a year of salary up front, in addition to my regular paycheck.
Because there is no way in hell I would trust this jackal with my job security.
The tech fascists essentially want to gut regulation so they can build corporate feudalism. Run experiments on biotech, genetic research, etc. Extend their own life spans. Build advanced military technology. And enslave the rest of us.
Essentially, they read Ayn Rand, saw some cyberpunk flicks, and chose to be the villains in the story.
They're an existential threat to our species. And likely a lot of other life on the planet.
Why are they all so orange?
Comments like this is why incels are creepy, and also why they are incels. But they blame woke and feminism for their own creepy behavior.
Would be sad, really, if they weren't so hateful.
Not saying the above commenter is an incel. But this is the type of comment I would expect from someone who identifies with that community, so I thought I would take the opprotunity to point it out.
If they're terrorist organizations, then the US arms industry are their accomplices.
That's her argument.
It's like this, Trump, "Mexico's terrorist cartels are sending drugs to the US."
Sheinbaum, "Well... they're being armed by US weapons manufacturers."
Both countries are saying illegal shit is being sent over their borders. Trump is putting all the blame on Mexico. Sheinbaum is saying, you're companies are helping the cartels, asshole!
I'm not arguing we don't have a communication problem. Or that we don't have an education problem in this country.
My point stands, the poverty rate for black households in Alabama is 150% greater than the white poverty rates.
Clawing back LIHEAP funding and other social services are going to hit vulnerable populations first.
Yes, some Trump voters are likely to be hurt by this. But far more single black mothers will statistically be affected.
So comments like yeah if they could read, show the commenter did not read the room. Or maybe they did, and we as a community are so happy to watch leopards eat people's faces, we're forgetting about who this is most likely hurting the most.
Stop trying to debate this Nazi y'all.
Here's another gem they posted. This one concerning genocide and AI.
Good for Israel! Thanks Microsoft, the one good thing you’ve done recently
That's a really strange way to say Hi Lemmy, I'm a fucking Nazi!
But you do you.
Give me a break on the guinea pigs shit. Folks have been using hormones to transition since the '50s. And a poster above linked to you a ton of good research on this.
Yet you still spread garbage like this under the veil of I don't really care anyway... cool then see yourself out of the conversation and leave medical decisions to professionals and their patients.
Consider that this is likely hitting single black mothers, as it's the low income energy assistance program that's being affected.
Maybe not a great comment hey?
It's the low income energy assistance program that is not paying its grants. And when we look at poverty rates in Alabama, it's statistically likely that this is hitting single black mothers rather than Trump supporters.
Let's not all have such a hard-on for leopards eating faces that we lose sight of who is actually being affected.
The state received $53 million from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for fiscal year 2025 as part of the regular yearly allocation for the LIHEAP program.
LIHEAP is the low income energy assistance program. Just to give y'all an idea of who this is affecting.