TheSaneWriter @ TheSaneWriter Posts 7Comments 447Joined 2 yr. ago

It also shows how detached some of these billionaires really are. A VR system is not yet affordable for the majority of Americans, and the technology has much more development to do before it's as widespread as video game consoles, never mind PCs.
Here's a Reddit post with some people talking about Linux distros if you want to see some additional opinions: link. Manjaro with KDE is a good option as well I'd like to add, my personal recommendation is to install a Linux partition separate from Windows and ease into it, if you enjoy the experience you'll find yourself using the Windows partition less and less until you are able to finally delete it.
Indeed, the process has really been streamlined. The configs and additional stuff from the olden days still exist, but they're configured really well by default and someone would only ever need to touch them to try and eke out as much performance as possible.
I'm sure these could probably be attached to an existing indictment, he already has so many.
I'm glad to hear the game's gotten much better! I purchased the game on sale but have left it sitting in my Steam library for a little while, knowing that it is playing much better means I'll move it higher on my playlist.
Indeed. This is well-evidenced by the forming of political factions in one-party states. Even though no new political parties can form, individual factions will form in the single party based on individuals or popular policies.
He could potentially make millions of his grift, but I don't think billions. He's not getting back on that list.
Indeed. Had he honored the deal, perhaps the Democrats would have saved him. Instead, he made enemies of everyone and got himself removed.
Not really, but it would still be more helpful to explain how it's better.
It depends on what you mean by too late. It is too late to feel no effects from climate change, but it exists on a sliding scale where it can always be better or worse. Stopping now and doing the right thing would still make things better, and continuing on the current path will continue to make things worse.
I'm glad that Germany is doing this. Marijuana is better for you than tobacco and no worse than alcohol, people should have the legal ability to decide whether or not they want to use it.
Ouch. I hope his stomach is okay, I have to imagine the pain is intense.
Some of these proposals are really interesting. I think it would be neat if China had a more vibrant flag design, the red banner with yellow stars is a bit plain.
I completely agree. I'm personally holding off on heavy promotion of this platform until we hit 1.0. If people join too early and are turned off by the lack of polish, they may not come back after it's fixed.
Unfortunately, this isn't far from the actual rhetoric they use.
Thank you for updating your app so quickly, it's nice to see how Summit has grown.
The people on the top have a variety of internal justifications for what they're doing. Some say that the world is "dog eat dog" and that they are the only ones looking out for themselves. Others say that what they're doing is for some grander good that will come once they acquire enough wealth and power. Some are deluded enough they have convinced themselves they are telling the truth. That and many more justifications fly through the heads of the ultra-wealthy and powerful as they continue spreading misinformation and enriching themselves.
Do you have a source for that? I can't find anything.
The company said that it will still have opt-out controls in “select countries” without specifying which ones.
I'm guessing that's how they plan to get around that. They will leave the toggle enabled for people registered in EU countries, and disable it everywhere else. A fairly risky way to handle it in my opinion.