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Just a reminder we are the future of social media.
  • I started to think of Reddit as just an occasional Google search result necessary evil and have successfully ignored it ever since.

    This is my experience. I try to search elsewhere, but consistently still find good info there. Only when I exhaust other options I go crawling back.

  • Was this considered 'piracy' back in the day?

    Back when we would record onto VHS, is that considered piracy? Found a super bowl XXXI tape from my Uncle circa 1997. I'm curious lol.

    Also side note, have any of you dabbled in digitizing old VHS? Have quite a few home videos on VHS and I'm wanting to preserve them for the future. I've done a bit of research and have come across a wide array of information. I know that doesn't really qualify as piracy, if there's a better comm for this, please direct me there!

    Tom Brady Roast

    I wonder how many new fans the Roast of Tom Brady is going to bring in. Feel like the roast had a pretty wide reach.

    I started watching in episode 300-400 range, and haven't missed a week since.

    Also side note, there are streams of the Live From LA shows on I'll rip and create torrents for them like always, I just need some time.

    What drew you to the high seas?
  • Are we counting like Ares and Limewire? I just wanted to listen to music and could never pay it. That turned into software I wanted but couldn't buy. Then I stopped for a while and started up again years ago not wanting to pay for streaming

  • Kill Tony #663 - DR PHIL (ADAM RAY) + AKAASH SINGH
  • Watching tonight after work, I always get a lil chub when I see Dr Phil in the title.

    We'll be right back

  • Do you leave a tip for housekeeping if you're only staying one night in a hotel?
  • I've never tipped hotel workers/housekeeping unless we're at an all inclusive resort, which I feel is standard to tip there. Maybe I'm wrong though reading comments here.

  • Could you post a photo of your cat and tell me what makes them so special?
  • Oh for sure, I see your point. I would still trust managers over using (most likely) same insecure personal info passwords for every web account.

  • Could you post a photo of your cat and tell me what makes them so special?
  • That's on them then. Password managers are free and have been around for a while, no excuses using personal information in a password anymore.

  • Kill Tony #662 - DANIEL VAN KIRK
    Do you practice self care?
  • I would definitely consider it self care. Since flossing is a "good habit", I would also consider good habits to be helping better yourself aka self care.

  • Camper? I hardly know ‘er!
  • Just an extra little brain power needing in writing hahah. Get my wife about once a month with this and she never remembers

  • Camper? I hardly know ‘er!
  • You know activity is really intense? Camping

  • File Compression Is Awesome: A Practical Guide
  • Gavin Belson has entered the chat


    Fuck yes Ian Fidance, Harland, and the GOAT Tony hawk?! So stoked for this one.

    10 years later and I've finally upgraded from 16GB to 32GB of ram
  • I just went back looking at pcpartpicker list from my 2017/18. Paid $175 for 16GB of Corsair lpx modules, so glad prices aren't like that any more

  • Kill Tony #660 - ELAINE + IAN EDWARDS
    Who's your favourite character(s) in the gang or not in the gang?
  • The Jew lawyer is my favorite returning side character, and the boat salesman is the best one-off character.

    "It seems like what you guys are looking for is some P Diddy style shrimping vessel?"

  • Is there a good source of info on rental car liability insurance?
  • Maybe I'm missing something and this isn't what you're asking, but I've always used a credit card with auto rental insurance included (Chase Sapphire to be exact). From everything I've read about that, you get rental insurance via credit card if you decline the rental company's. So if you have a card that provides that, I would just go that route.

  • Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew
  • I just watched "The Botany of Desire" with Michael Pollan, and learned a fuck ton about potatoes. I agree lol

  • Do you eat grape?
  • Never made it as a blind crab 🎵

  • NSFW
    This video ruined Jared Nathan for me....
  • Bababababba blowiieee

  • Kill Tony #659 - DAVID SPADE + DAVE ATTELL
  • For real, 2 absolute LEGENDS here

  • Kill Tony #659 - DAVID SPADE + DAVE ATTELL
  • Just riffs coming at ya right and left, can't even dodge em they're quick

  • I hear ya, I just feel like a comedy show/podcast featuring comedian guests is not the place for Tucker or any other non comedian for that matter lol. At least there's a new ep each week!

  • How can I move the floating button back to center aligned?

    I somehow moved this to be right aligned and can't figure out how to bring it back centered. Could someone link the setting or help me out?


    No idea why Tucker is a guest, makes honestly no sense. Really hate when Tony tries to have these types of guests. Like Ric Flair all over again.

    KT #656 - Mark Normand + Dan Soder
    Kill Tony #655 - Tom Green + Adam Ray

    Live now on YT

    Kill Tony #653 - Joe List
    Kill Tony #651 - Ari Shaffir