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A Linux user's nightmare: the machine was wiped clean with one click
  • It's an accurate translation. Mikrobitti is a generic computer magazine (with a long history) so it could either be that the author is not very familiar with Linux cli or it might also be that they were trying to put it in layman's terms.

  • Multilingual folks: what are some odd idioms in your language(s)?
  • Finnish ones (some sayings here too):

    • "Ski into a spruce!" -> Get lost!
    • "So the forest answers as one calls into it" -> what comes around goes around
    • "If you reach for the spruce you'll fall into the juniper" -> don't bite more than you can chew
    • "to be like hit on the head with a piece of wood" -> to be baffled
    • "it went into the forest" -> something failed
    • "to have own cow in the ditch" -> to have their own hidden agenda behind a request or actions
    • "to throw the spoon into the corner" -> to die
  • The Cult of AI. How one writer's trip to an annual tech conference left him with a sinking feeling about the future
  • Depends on how you define meaning. I find meaning in experiencing the life. It may be predetermined or have random elements in it but the experience is unique to me.

    Anyway, given all we know about us and the universe I haven't heard a coherent proposal of how free will could work. So, until there's good evidence to convince me otherwise .. I can't help but believe it doesn't exist.

  • The Cult of AI. How one writer's trip to an annual tech conference left him with a sinking feeling about the future
  • It's one of the terrible hype trains again... However, I wonder what makes him think that humans are something clearly more than a model that gathers data through the senses and reacts to external stimuli based on the current model. I think that's special pleading.

  • What is wage theft exactly?
  • Huh? The things people do for that wage will certainly rise in price due to inflation. Interest on bank accounts usually correlates with inflation, house prices go up with inflation (if you own one, it's value usually does too)... It's usually only stuff that wears out quickly and/or electronics (stuff that has steep inherent value deprecation) that do not grow in value due to inflation.

  • Are all programming languages based on English?
  • Well, there are programming languages that are not based on English (like BQN) In reality though the vast majority of the documentation, books, online discussions etc. are in English so I'd say it is at least hugely beneficial to know English.

  • In Crimea, girls poisoned 46 Russian military personnel and shot FSB officers: a Hollywood story appeared on the Internet - Ukraine Today .org
  • This is what Beau of the Fifth Column calls "the hard part". Congratulations, you've captured some dirt but the people will still try to kill you. Now they just don't look like soldiers in front of you. They look like regular persons and they're among you.

  • Is it a negative thing that I exclusively read books in English rather than in my native language?
  • It depends.I used to read a lot of books in my native language (Finnish) but for years most of the stuff I've been reading and watching has been in English, I also use a lot of English at work. At some point I realized that my active vocabulary in my native language was atrophying. So, I decided to go back to reading books in it. So, be mindful about that :)

  • What lesson that you didn't see when you were younger and now can see, you would teach to your younger self?
  • Take some time every now and then to consider why you're doing the things you're doing. You may do them out of fear, shame, perceived obligation, to avoid doing something else, because your parents want you to, etc. Or you may do them because they genuinely bring you job, help you in some way or make the world a better place.. Anyway, we people are weird creatures. We get stuck in situations, relationships, obligations, bad habits, destructive patterns without realizing what's happening. Try to stay aware, honest to yourself (and others) and keep learning :)

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