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picklemeister [she/her]
picklemeister [she/her] @ picklemeister
1 mo. ago

  • i am right now fighting an overpowering urge to stuff them both into lockers

  • if it's gonna be water wars then i'm going to be helping to form an equitable and resilient water soviet. i'll bloom until i'm gone.

  • i keep meaning a run with a Shadowheart romance but i always end up sex fighting with lae'zel

  • on liberal hellsites i follow it's been as sad as it is expected to see canadalibs insist that americalibs perform human wave attacks on the white house (funny image, i know) to stop tariffs after haranguing those who wouldn't vote for kamala over Palestine. apparently an unlimited number of dead Palestinians is fine but economic harm to canadians demands blood sacrifice. truly canadians and americans are nothing alike.

  • uhhh so I guess we infiltrate it instead? Still working out the mechanics on this

  • You can't really say you worked retail until you've had to play Social Worker for 15-30 minutes and talked to an old person who has nobody to talk to.

    people will still really call it "unskilled labor" when the percentage of the population that can gracefully deal with this is infinitesimal and you can't learn it from a bootcamp

  • i think debtor's prisons and roping in student debt is more likely, musk was out retweetering bukele on expanding slave labor

  • if nothing else the first half of the Simpsons run captured

    mob mentality so well

  • yeah, I like to shit on the military as much as anyone but it's useful to remember what us strategic losses in asymmetric warfare look like and it usually involves hundreds of thousands of people indiscriminately killed

  • i have never understood why people struggle so much with saying 'people' instead of 'men and women'. it's literally less words

  • this is meant to be an in for adult care bans as well

    Sec. 3. Ending Reliance on Junk Science. (a) The blatant harm done to children by chemical and surgical mutilation cloaks itself in medical necessity, spurred by guidance from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), which lacks scientific integrity. In light of the scientific concerns with the WPATH guidance:

    (i) agencies shall rescind or amend all policies that rely on WPATH guidance, including WPATH’s “Standards of Care Version 8”; and

    (ii) within 90 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) shall publish a review of the existing literature on best practices for promoting the health of children who assert gender dysphoria, rapid-onset gender dysphoria, or other identity-based confusion.

    (b) The Secretary of HHS, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, shall use all available methods to increase the quality of data to guide practices for improving the health of minors with gender dysphoria, rapid-onset gender dysphoria, or other identity-based confusion, or who otherwise seek chemical or surgical mutilation.


    (b) The Secretary of HHS shall promptly withdraw HHS’s March 2, 2022, guidance document titled “HHS Notice and Guidance on Gender Affirming Care, Civil Rights and Patient Privacy” and, in consultation with the Attorney General, issue new guidance protecting whistleblowers who take action related to ensuring compliance with this order.

  • the fact that it's not an organization works even better for them, now anybody they want to arrest is a member of 'the local chapter of antifa' and subject to the extremely squishy definition of 'domestic terrorism'

    (5) the term "domestic terrorism" means activities that-

    (A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;

    (B) appear to be intended-

    (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;

    (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or

    (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and

    (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States