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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 wk. ago

  • When she finally exited the stall, she said she lifted her shirt to prove she was not a man, expecting the ordeal to end. Instead, she said one deputy continued to question her appearance, insisting she “looked like a man.”

    The police are equally if not more deserving of blame for continually harassing this woman even after forcing her to expose herself to them.

  • People see others doing something that makes them uncomfortable and goes against what people have been telling them their whole lives (that there are 2 genders, traditional gender roles and all that) and then encounter people who not only validate that discomfort, but try to justify it. To weaponize it into anger.

    I think that in a society that still teaches children there are 2 genders/sexes, raises men who refuse to express negative emotions other than anger for fear of being seen as feminine, and raises women who are insecure in their femininity because of beauty standards and social norms that are being reinforced on every form of media at every term, mass transphobia and the subsequent politicization of being trans was inevitable. If it wasn't trans people being targeted it would be anyone deviating "too far" from gender norms. They will continue to move the goalposts and weaponize that discomfort thats been purposefully instilled in us from birth to turn us against each other.

    Thank you for the support and empathy during a time where we're all feeling like we're going to wake up one day with no rights anymore

  • Yup. Was permabanned for "advocating for violence" by saying a certain green hatted man was justified in his actions. And before that, a week long ban for directly quoting Rump's unhinged rambling during the debate to make fun of what he said.

  • Freedom of speech =/= freedom of consequences. If people choose not to associate with you because you support & attempt to normalize a movement that has historically committed mass genocide, or - god forbid - they speak negatively about you in an internet forum 5 years down the line, those people are just exercising their free speech.

  • The fact he brought up his pardon umprompted as if he thought it would be his get out of jail free card makes it hard for me to feel empathetic. Especially since there's a real possibility some cops have let him off scott-free in the past just because of his involvement in J6.

  • Look up Twitch Ad Solutions, there's a github page where you can find a couple different options. The Alternate Twitch player another commentor mentioned is what I use because I like the adjustable chat and auto-collect bits feature

  • Do you have any sources about anonymized data being easy to de-anonymize? I've been hearing a lot of conflicting stuff regarding the policy change so I wanna make sure the information I'm getting is accurate. But yeah if Firefox implements more anti consumer policies like this I will probably be jumping ship.

  • Am I the only one here who's pretty much okay with this? I do wish they'd clarify exactly what they mean by "Mozilla doesn't sell data about you (in the way that most people think about 'selling data')," but having my anonymized data sold so that Mozilla can continue to operate (combined with Firefox being the best browser I've used in terms of both performance and flexibility - ability to install add-ons from sources outside of the Mozilla store, for example) - seems like a worthy tradeoff to me.

    They also have an option to opt-out of data collection, which I do wish was opt-in instead, but with the way every other mainstream browser operates I'm just happy the option is there at all. Let me know if there's something I'm missing here though.

  • I was just saying the other day it feels like he gets through all that needs to be said in the first half of the video and then spends the rest ranting/reiterating himself. But I think he has good talking points