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Pence Says Trump Shouldn’t Be Disqualified Even If CONVICTED — Says ‘That Needs To Be Left To The American People’
  • The US Constitution, which outlines many aspects including what the three branches of government are, also outlines disqualifiers for consideration.

    You cannot just cherry-pick which few words you like and discard everything else! It's an all-or-nothing thing (as stipulated by the Founding Fathers/signatories and the croonies who've adulterated its intentions/meanings over the years).

  • Pence Says Trump Shouldn’t Be Disqualified Even If CONVICTED — Says ‘That Needs To Be Left To The American People’
  • When Grand Juries have concluded that an official indictment is warranted, that's more than mere accusations. And "innocent until proven guilty" is not a legal construct; it's simply a moral standard (or verbatim reminder of local judges to their local jurors when considering information in hopes of limiting their prejudice on information demonstrated during trial).

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