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What obscure about:config settings would you recommend changing?
  • Setting full-screen-api.warning.timeout to 0 removes the notification at the top of the screen that tells you how to exit fullscreen mode.

  • Using retro inspired controllers when playing emulated games
  • It's actually kind of a drawback sometimes. Super Metroid for instance is pretty awkward to play since it's hard to hold B and press Y at the same time 😅

  • Using retro inspired controllers when playing emulated games
  • I have a decade old Buffalo famicom-style controller with ABXY just like in your photo, although mine is wired. I've opened it and adjusted the Dpad by partially covering the contacts with tape, and I swear it's the best Dpad I've ever used. I've also got an 8bitdo FC30 Pro but I rarely use it nowadays.

  • What's your uptime record?
  • I think my first raspberry pi got to 500-ish days before we had a power outage

  • Fairphone 3 gets seven years of updates, besting every other Android OEM
  • Just to clarify, this is about the 2019 model Fairphone 3, which does have a headphone jack.

  • Do you organize or catalogue your playthroughs/collection/backlog?

    For years I've been using HowLongToBeat which has good tools for tracking playtime, collections, backlog et.c\.. However the site is pretty laggy on my phone, so I'm exploring other options. What is you guys' approach?

    My Miyoo Mini+ stopped charging.
  • The pads look intact, which makes it a much easier repair than it could have been.

  • memphis memphis
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