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The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 23.09.24
  • They need to add, "Surrenders". I'd be happy to see that number steadily climbing.

  • Video shows Israeli soldiers throwing the bodies of Palestinian men off buildings
  • "Hamas, which is battling Israel in Gaza, said the footage confirmed "the barbarity and brutality" of Israeli forces, which have been ..."

    Oh my. Hamas said this? Well, I declare. How about you return the fucking civilian hostages you kidnapped during your bloody raid and murder spree last year?

    Edit: your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.

  • Best wishes for Donald Trump after his latest assassination attempt
  • There's really nothing we can do about it. It's just a fact of life.

  • JD Vance
  • They only have a concept of ways to fix it, no actual plans. This way, they don't need a plan because the problem goes away once they stop pushing their bullshit narrative.

  • Trump and Harris agree on “no tax on tips.” They’re both wrong.
  • I'm inclined towards a universal sales tax, and elimination of income tax. That cuts out loopholes for billionaires who run around buying property, buildings, and yachts - a 10 or 12% tax would fix that (of course, every solution provides its own set of problems) The other solution is having my employer "tip" me every two weeks.

    Edit: Some very good points below, which I'd never considered.

  • British Writer Pens The Best Description Of Trump I’ve Read - London Daily
  • Wonderful piece! But one of the commentors stated, "I pray he will see your article and his head will explode. One can hope." They forget that Trump had to have his daily briefings presented as Highlights pictographs.

  • Hamas head Yahya Sinwar seeks ceasefire deal - CNN
  • Wait, this is "mastermind" (based on the outcome) of the October terrorist attacks? "Sure, we can have a ceasefire. C'mere and let's talk about it..."

  • The President Can Now Assassinate You, Officially
  • Screw that, he's elected now. Just do it.

  • It's time to call a spade a spade. ChatGPT isn't just hallucinating. It's a bullshit machine.
  • I think for the sake of mixed company and delicate sensibilities we should refer to this as a "BM" rather than a "bullshit machine". Therefore it could be a LLM BM, or simply a BM.

  • Republicans Complain About Hunter Biden Guilty Verdict
  • I'm such an underachiever. Here is "Sleepy Joe Biden", a doddering fool who even tries to sit where there is no chair, yet who also is the criminal mastermind behind an entire crime family and who easily controls all government and media for his own diabolical schemes. I mean, pick a lane, Republicans!

  • Trump vows to end taxation of tips at sweltering Las Vegas rally
  • Sweet! Now all I have to do is have my employer "tip" me every two weeks.

  • 210 Palestinians reportedly killed during Israeli hostage recovery operation
  • Quite right! Hamas has pulled this shit far too often. For years they've attacked and then run and hide on the playground under women's skirts. Rinse and repeat. Finally, Hamas has done this once too often. Israel has a big job hunting them down. This time, they get smacked down for good. So what's not to like?

    Hamas HAS to go, no two ways about it. The people of Gaza however can have a good discussion with Israel, and quite frankly the assistance of the world, when the war is over.

  • 210 Palestinians reportedly killed during Israeli hostage recovery operation
  • You make a strong point, and all of it makes sense. This is NOT a simple, black-and-white/either-or situation. Upvoted.

    I think the Israeli thought might be along the lines of:

    Imagine you see your neighbor supporting a bunch of terrorists in their home. Suddenly their home is bombed and turned into a parking lot. Maybe you'll think long and hard when a terrorist group knocks on your door and asks to hide there for a while. The only problem is, do they ask or just come in uninvited?

    Fixing this would ideally not involve guns, but it doesn't work this way, at least not well. The only way this can end is if Hamas is destroyed and Gaza is occupied - by Israel or the UN - and rising terrorist groups are infiltrated and nullified before they can reach the stage of endangering their neighbors, until the entire population grasps and can control a self-government process.

    If the people of Gaza assist in any way in destroying Hamas, this ends sooner and lives are saved. And the people aren't there yet - Hamas was their government, so...

    Again, not a great solution.

    But I find it interesting that almost every comment I receive is "But look what the Israelis did to us years and years ago..." These commenters should grow the fuck up. Get over it. And no, I'm not a Native American so I don't have a first-hand experience of it. But just as the Native Americans fought for years by using raids, kidnappings, outpost torching... wow, this looks familiar. And they didn't win either. The same thing is going to happen to Hamas and those who support them.

    Again, Hamas has publicly stated that they will not stop killing until Israel is wiped off the map. We can figure it out from there how this has to go.

  • L.A. County wants to cap rent hikes at 3%. Landlords say that would push them to sell
  • This happened a lot during the Great Depression. But then I believe the owners found a way to withdraw the auctioned property if the minimum bid didn't suit them. The French law might bring back the Penny Auction by saying, "You put it up for bid - a sale has to go through."

  • 210 Palestinians reportedly killed during Israeli hostage recovery operation
  • That is an excellent analogy to illustrate why this isn't a black-and-white situation. Well done, have an upvote!

  • 210 Palestinians reportedly killed during Israeli hostage recovery operation
  • "Popular culture​​ Hummus is often seen as an unofficial "national dish" of Israel" - Wikipedia. The use of the term does not indicate nationality, but is meant to denigrate "Hamas". And I would have got away with it, too, if it weren't for you kids.

  • 210 Palestinians reportedly killed during Israeli hostage recovery operation
  • You deserve an answer. An acceptable number of innocents, in a perfect world, is Zero. But who is in control of that? Hummus.

    As per your P.S. How come you don’t see the same from the Israelis, they’re endangering civilians too?

    "Whataboutism" is lame.

    The fact is Israel is an apartheid state and they have been stealing land for decades. What would you do if you were a victim of this?

    Probably not invade, kill and kidnap innocent people, and run away to hide among women and children. But that's me. Obviously it's okay for Hummus /s

    What the IDF is doing is terroristic, as is what Hamas has done. So either you’re for terrorism or against it, you can’t say it’s ok for one side and not the other.

    See above.

    Furthermore, the hostages could have been returned many time with any one of the ceasefire deals on the table, but the Israeli government want blood not the hostages.

    It's too late for that, and Hummus knows it. They could have returned the hostages, but they need to go away. They've already stated their goal is to delete Israel, so Israel should just... what? Let the terrorists live and regrow. Also, Israel is proving that if Hummus doesn't return the hostages, Israel will take them back anyway - and there will be unfortunate casualties because of where Hummus hides, behind women and children. Tough shit for them, I guess, but with Hummus pissing themselves while cowering behind them, they don't leave much choice.

    And let's not forget, if Hummus is hiding among women and children, women and children could choose to live and turn those assholes in, or overpower them, or... is there an anti-Hummus underground in Gaza? There should be.

  • Putin's critic Alexia Navalny is dead Russian opposition leader Navalny has died, prison service says

    Jailed Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny has died, Russian media report, citing the prison service.

    Russian opposition leader Navalny has died, prison service says

    Some sources suggest he was taking a walk and suddenly fell to the ground. Very mysterious. Guess they ran out of windows.

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