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Again I circle back to the humane option for dealing with chuds is putting them in pleasure cubes they can never escape from.
  • But they don't want a paradise, they want hell.

    They don't want happiness, they want others to be miserable. They would forever chase that feeling of power they imagine they would get when they yell at someone, or beat their wives up in exactly the right circumstances. Except this perfect circumstance where they would completely dominate someone in a righteous way never occurs for some reason, it's always tainted by something... But they never know quite what it is.

  • How do we get people on hexbear to read Lenin
  • I had a bit of a think about it and perhaps the problem was my expectations of it. People kept posting about how it revolutionized their entire life and how they interact with people which hadn't happened for me.

    But what that might have been is people thinking about their day-to-day life in a more abstract manner, or rather bridging the gap between abstract theory and how it presents in reality, because I remember having such a revelation from my introduction to mathematical thinking.

    Because taken by itself set and logic theory, the backbone of math, really aren't that awe-inspiring, but being able to reduce complex problems to a set of easily formulated axioms certainly made me approach real life issues in a different manner. It's how I fell in love with the field itself.

    And so just like set theory seems rather mundane on its surface even though it forms the backbone of the entire field of mathematics so it's with dia-mat.

    A couple of carefully chosen minimal axioms that form the backbone of the whole field, making them vital to study for anyone who wants to learn about it, that are supposed to be obviously true since they are taken for granted, i.e. without proof or even much justification.

    Also I'm thinking about it changing engels for stalins intro to diamat so it's 1. wagelabor and value to kind of get a feel of what it's all about, 2. diamat to make sense of state and revolution and then 3. state and revolution as the "magnum opus" or whatever.

  • My dad abusing me really drives home how much of a failure I am as an adult.
  • Sounds like he is the failure, how can he call himself dad and then act like this towards his child? And the parasite. Feeding on your struggles to make himself feel superior. Feeding on your dependance so he has someone to stand on top of.

    Instead of uplifting or helping you he feeds his ego from your misery.

    Your dad failed you, not the other way around.

  • How do we get people on hexbear to read Lenin
  • Diamat is the backbone of Marxism, period. Without a clead understanding of it, along with Historical Materialism, it's incredibly difficult to understand and analyze Imperialist conflicts correctly, and helps put geopolitical struggles in clearer light. Just my 2 cents.

    I really don't know what it is I'm missing there and keep feel like I didn't understand it properly but don't know what it might be since it all seems straightforward and boring philosophizing like logic calculus and set theory I had to do when starting studying math.

    Do you think it's related to them selling printed copies on the site?

    Idk, but every link to an outside site like their store has a URL prepended so google knows what you (your to google pseudonymous you) clicked when you left the site.

  • How do we get people on hexbear to read Lenin
  • About diamat: Hmm I guess I never really understood the big deal about it, it just seems like the standard toolkit when trying to understand something.

    about google: Basically it allows google to put a cookie in your browser. Google gets to build a better profile of your browsing habits and in exchange the site owner gets to see some data about the users browsing habits pertinent to their site. Like where do most of their users come from, a search engine or some other site using google analytics, how many unique visitors etc. You get jack shit.

    Google can and does sell your profile which might contain personally identifying information to others like government agencies or employers so it's the last thing I would expect on a website trying to radicalize people.

    Here's the disclaimer you get to see once:

  • How do we get people on hexbear to read Lenin
  • I don't understand why diamat is put at the very beginning? I'm putting a book together to radicalize my wife and it's wagelabour and capital, socialism from utopian to scientific and then state and revolution.

    Also why is it using google analytics?? What the fuck

  • We're Democrats now
  • They don't view it as their party, they view at as their team. They're cheering, jeering spectator and if someone from the bad team decides to join their fan club their welcomed with applause.

  • My wife discovered ska and likes it, post your favorite ska music here please

    We have this music box for our 1yo and there are a lot kid songs in different pop music styles and she loved "the one with the trumpets". I never really was into ska so I'm asking the collective for the best ska songs they know so I can surprise her with a playlist.

    edit: sorry its been hectic and I couldn't get to this "project", thank you all so much for your suggestions!

    Color theory is hard

    We want to paint a rainbow on a white wall, but dont know what color codes to get. How am I supposed to convert light frequencies into RAL color codes this shit blows. Maths was never meant to be applied to the real world.

    The leading publice-service news program in germany on kissingers death Ex-US-Außenminister Henry Kissinger gestorben

    Der frühere US-Außenminister Kissinger ist im Alter von 100 Jahren gestorben. Der in Deutschland geborene Friedensnobelpreisträger prägte die Außenpolitik der USA in den 1970er-Jahren unter den damaligen Präsidenten Nixon und Ford entscheidend mit.

    Ex-US-Außenminister Henry Kissinger gestorben

    This is from the leading public-service news program. They are considered to be very objective and reporting without bias by large groups in Germany.

    The former US Secretary of State has died at the age of 100. The german-born nobel peace prize winner had a decisive impact on US foreign policy in the 1970s under then President Nixon and Ford.

    The former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger is dead. The controversial Nobel peace prize winner and diplomat died on Wednesday at the age of 100 in his home in Connecticut, said the consultancy firm he founded, Kissinger Associates.

    As a security advisor and foreign minister to US Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford the republican significantly shaped US foreign policy. His efforts led to a opening of diplomatic relations with China, to arms regulation negotiations between the USA and the Soviet Union, to an improvement of the relationships between Israel and its arab neighbours and to the Paris Peace Accords with North Vietnam.

    Born in Germany

    Heinz Alfred Kissinger was born into a Jewish family in Fürth, Franconia, on May 27, 1923; his father worked as a teacher at a local high school. In 1938 he fled Nazi Germany with his family. The Kissingers eventually settled in Manhattan, where Heinz became Henry.

    After a career in science, the political scientist became national security advisor in the White House and later US Secretary of State in 1968 when the Republican Nixon was elected president.

    Nobel Peace Prize for contribution to the peace treaty with Vietnam

    In the struggle for a peace solution to the Middle Ease conflict, Kissinger was the first to practice so-called “shuttle diplomacy”. He tried to bring the USA and China closer together through secret channels.

    Kissinger also initiated talks on the Treaty of Paris in January 1973, which enabled the United States to withdraw from the deadly and costly Vietnam War. Two years later, Saigon fell to the communist Viet Cong. Kissinger received the Nobel Peace Prize for the ceasefire agreement with North Vietnam.

    Much-criticized pioneer of realpolitik

    Kissinger also advocated a course of detente towards the Soviet Union. During the Watergate scandal involving eavesdropping on political opponents under Nixon, Kissinger's influence grew.

    He was considered an advocate of realpolitik, according to which the means of diplomacy should be used to achieve pragmatic goals and not primarily to advance noble ideals. His advocates credited him with serving American interests with his approach. Critics, however, accused him of pursuing diplomacy based on power politics, which ran counter to democratic values. His support of anti-communist dictatorships, especially in Latin America, also brought him a lot of criticism.

    Publicly active until the end

    Ford called Kissinger a "super-secretary of state," but also pointed to his sharpness and self-assurance, which critics described as paranoia and egotism. Ford said, "Henry never made a mistake in his mind."

    Kissinger remained active after his 100th birthday, attending White House meetings, publishing a book on leadership and testifying before a Senate committee about the nuclear threat from North Korea. In July 2023 he made a surprise visit to Chinese President Xi Jinping.

    Stuck in the library and my wife is sending me cute baby pictures

    Such a sweet sweet torture, I dont wanna be here but I cant learn with him in the same flat and the pictures remind me of what I'm missing but I also don't want them to stop. !cri

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