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Cloudflare is bad. Youre right.
  • Yes, I do loose the origin IP and I'm a little bugged by it. It also means that ALL traffic incoming on a specific port of that VPS can only go to exactly ONE private wireguard peer. You could avoid both of these issues by having the reverse proxy on the VPS (which is why cloudflare works the way it does), but I prefer my https endpoint to be on my own trusted hardware. That's totally my personal preference though.

    I trust my VPS provider to not be interested enough in my data to setup special surveillance tooling for each and every possible software combination their customers might have. Cloudflare on the other hand only has their own software stack to monitor and all customers must adhere to it. It's by design much easier for them to do statistics or snooping.

  • Cloudflare is bad. Youre right.
  • Sure it's easy to set up, but the same behaviour is what I get with my handrolled solution. I rent a cheap VPS with a fixed IP solely for forwarding all traffic through wireguard. My DNS entries all point to the VPS and my servers connect to the VPS to be reachable. It is absolutely network agnostic and does not require any port shenanigans on the local network nor does it require a fixed IP for the internet connection of my home server.

    Data security wise the HTTPS terminates on my own hardware (homeserver with reverse proxy) and the wireguard connection is additionally encrypted. There are no secrets or certificates on the rented VPS beyond the bare minimum for the wireguard tunnel and my public key for SSH access.

    Shuttling the packets on the VPS (inet to wireguard) is done by socat because I haven't had the will or need to get in the weeds with nftables/iptables. I am just happy that it works reliably and am happy to loose some potential bandwidth to the kernelspace/userspace hoops.

  • What do I think about Lua after shipping a project with 60,000 lines of code? - Interview with lead programmer of the video game Craftomation 101.
  • Coming from Rust I am toying around with Lua at the moment. Lua is a small, simple and I would say a very neat language. But for big projects like an entire game I would personally much prefer a "traditional" compiled language like C/C++, Java/C# or Rust. Scripting langs are great for small scopes, but they quickly become a burden for bigger things in my opinion.

  • Beitrag über Esoterik bei extra3

    Über den ganzen Bullshit lachen können hilft manchmal auch. Für die passenden positiven kosmischen Energien hilft extra3!

    Macht dann einmal 250€ bitte.

    TIL: Grafikkarten-RAM für SWAP missbrauchen

    Ihr habt ne fette Grafikkarte, aber der RAM wird knapp? Einfach auslagern!

    Ich bin gerade zufällig auf diesen Artikel im Arch Wiki gestoßen und sieh an: Grafikkarten-RAM ist unter Linux wunderbar für alle möglichen Spielereien nutzbar! Man kann den normalen RAM durch swap space auf der GPU "erweitern" oder einfach eine RAM-disk auf der GPU anlegen!

    Chrome freut sich.

    Anyone using rustic? GitHub - rustic-rs/rustic: rustic - fast, encrypted, and deduplicated backups powered by Rust

    rustic - fast, encrypted, and deduplicated backups powered by Rust - GitHub - rustic-rs/rustic: rustic - fast, encrypted, and deduplicated backups powered by Rust

    GitHub - rustic-rs/rustic: rustic - fast, encrypted, and deduplicated backups powered by Rust

    Hey, you probably know about restic and borg for backups. They are pretty mature and very commonly used.

    Rustic is a fully compatible reimplementation of restic in Rust and they do seem to have implemented a few improvements over restic. The developer even used to be a contributor on restic.

    Is anyone here using it already? It looks super promising but I'd love to hear your opinion!

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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