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Tankies hate this one simple trick
  • Votes are earned not deserved. in our pretty bad first past the post system, we shouldn't vote for a good candidate. We should vote for the best, or least bad one.

    Less voter turnout wouldn't influence the system at all, and even if it did, there are not enough people with your views— your 80% figures— to pull something like that off. Maybe wait.

    Because right now, yes both possible candidates won't stop the major genocide going on, but one would actively do less harm to queer people, women, etc.

    Voting is for harm minimization, not endorsement.

  • When Hexbear finds out Nazi stands for National Socialism
  • Hexbeara are definitely wrong about things... But I have never seen them do anti-Semitism. And the Nazis really can't be considered socialist— you can disapprove of socialism without lying or being misinformed and claiming that the Nazis were socialist—Hitler essentially joined and took over what maybe at some point was a pro worker party. They killed like a lot of communists.

  • Linux continues to be above 4% on the desktop
  • Chromos will definitely be big, but its limitations mean that it won't definitely not be able to just take it over.

    And given that it relies on Linux apps to run non Android or web apps, AKA desktop apps, I'm quite happy if it grows—Linux development becomes encouraged.

  • Roku has patented a way to show ads over anything you plug into your TV
  • This is like really horrific but if I'm being honest, it's not going to happen. I think LG did a patent where you had to shout the brand being displayed on ads to skip an ad— and they never did that. This is probably a good thing so that other companies can't use it for a few hundred years

  • Men that carried out terrorist attack on concert in Russia received funds from Ukraine.
  • What? No, the reason RT is bad is because it's specifically Russian government bad. It's like Qatar and Al-Jazeera, but even less distance.

    The problem is not that RT is not CIA controlled or that it's not pro western, it's that it's literally one of the parties involved.

  • There's a communist multimillionaire fomenting revolution in Atlanta. Suburban Democrats are pissed.
  • Fergie Chambers, a 39-year-old self-proclaimed communist with a net worth in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Chambers’ wealth comes from his father’s family’s company, Cox Enterprises, a global conglomerate with automotive and media holdings, including AutoTrader, Kelley Blue Book, Cox TV, the political site Axios, and the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. With a fortune of some $26.8 billion, the Cox family, a powerful force in Atlanta philanthropy, made the second-largest contribution in 2022 toward the training facility, with their foundation providing $10 million of a planned $60 million in private funding. (Georgia taxpayers are putting up $31 million.)

    In contrast, Chambers estimates he’s donated “a couple million dollars” in the last year to groups opposing the very facility that high-profile members of his family want to be built. Not only has he financially supported signature gathering for the referendum, he’s sponsored buses to shuttle protesters to the site, and contributed “hundreds of thousands of dollars” to funds that paid for bail and lawyers for those who had been arrested.

    While the broader Cox family’s political reputation is squarely centrist, Chambers’ is somewhere in the vicinity of Chairman Mao. When we spoke—after a few weeks of phone tag that involved me missing some pre-dawn calls back from Chambers—he seemed to relish defying mainstream orthodoxy, calling Russian President Vladimir Putin “one of the better statesmen of our century,” and describing Hamas’ October 7 attack as “a moment of hope and inspiration for tens of millions of people.” While he denies a recent claim in Los Angeles Magazine that he chants “death to America” every day, he allows that the idea is more or less true. “I think the most important thing for the prosperity of humanity is the destruction of the US,” he told me.

  • Evolve - A brand new GNOME Theme Manager Evolve - A brand new GNOME Theme Manager

    Release - 1.0 Themes As you would expect, it has all the obvious theming features of Gnome Tweaks minus the fonts part. You can change the GTK Theme, change icons and more. What Tweaks does not support as of now is GTK 4 theming and this is where Evolve starts to make a difference. Evolve provides y...

    Evolve - A brand new GNOME Theme Manager

    Hasn't been released fully yet by the developer but looks interesting.

    Edit: Video says repo is on its way

    Using a YouTube link intentionally— better people redirect to their own choice piped or invidious instance that they're logged into (various redirect tools available)

    Edit: Repo link here

    Kagi Reacts to Backlash

    I don't have a source but this is based on my membership in the Kagi Discord server. Kagi search has decided to allow people to opt out of Brave results being included in the results and may asking Brave for free API access so that they aren't being supported. I'm still unsure about whether I'll resubscribe to Kagi. I might give Startpage a run for a bit.

    What are some items that really aren't worth paying the expensive version for?

    I saw this post and wanted to ask the opposite. What are some items that really aren't worth paying the expensive version for? Preferably more extreme or unexpected examples.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    FOSS enthusiast, Linux user, Android enthusiast, Transformers fan (he/him)

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