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Linus Torvalds: Speaks on the Rust vs C Linux Divide
  • Zig has other selling points, that are arguably more suitable for system programming. Rust's obsession with safety (which is still not absolute even in rust) is not the only thing to consider.

  • Linus Torvalds: Speaks on the Rust vs C Linux Divide
  • Zig is indeed designed specifically for such tasks as system programming and interoperability with C code. However it is not yet ready for production usage as necessary infrastructure is not yet done and each new version introduces breaking changes. Developers recomend waiting version 1.0 before using it in any serious project.

  • Man pages maintenance suspended
  • I doubt it. It is basically equivalent to buying a proprietary software license for 1% of a revenue. I doubt any large business would be willing to spend that much on a single piece of software. And it would always be only one piece of software at a time.

  • Porting systemd to musl libc-powered Linux
  • It boots faster than openRC (which is painfully slow). But runit is a lot faster than systemd, and there are init systems even faster than runit. And they all already work with musl. There is even dinit system specifically designed for containers.

  • Porting systemd to musl libc-powered Linux
  • While I do appreciate the effort, I cannot understand, who in their right mind would use musl and systemd together. For what purpose? If a person was already willing to manage a musl system, why wouldn't he also prefer sysVinit or runit or whatever?

  • Firefox enables user tracking
  • Firefox is not done. It just became spyware, but all the forks can still benefit from FOSS license of Firefox. In the same manner as Vivaldi or Brave or Ungoogled chromium etc.

  • Are .ru sites safe?
  • Guy, I visit every day. It is my homepage.

    It seems to me that you did not read my message, so here is the repeat:

    1. was main domain of yandex for decades.
    2. yandex sold some of services to group
    3. as part of that deal became a redirect to, which contains links to services run by both, yandex and

    Here is even some proof of that:

  • Are .ru sites safe?
  • Actually, is a thing. It was the main domain for yandex for many years and became a redirect to as part of a deal between yandex and (another Russian tech company). But still contains yandex search string, so there is not a lot of difference.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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