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  • For Android: learn the hard reset combo for your phone, especially if you encrypt it.

    After rebooting, pattern/PIN will be required to decrypt the phone. Biometrics won't work for this step. This is what graphene does for security, tries to keep the phone in a "before first unlock" state by rebooting on a timer. You can't even read anything over USB/ADB, it's scrambled until you unlock the phone.

    The only drawback to just keeping your phone in this state is none of your apps are loaded, so no notifications/updates/processing at all.

  • 12TB for $80 -
  • Reposting as top level comment also: these are PWDIS drives: if you’re not using them somewhere with sata 3.2/3.3, you need to use an adapter for the power plug, or some tape, to block pins 1-3 (3.3v) as supplying it to these causes them to reset. Might be worth doing the taping anyway, if you’re using an enclosure or cage (where you can’t use the adapters) Just be aware.

  • 12TB for $80 -
  • 2nd catch, behind the power on time: PWDIS drives: if you're not using them somewhere with sata 3.2/3.3, you need to use an adapter for the power plug, or some tape, to block pins 1-3 (3.3v) as supplying it to these causes them to reset. Might be worth doing the taping anyway, if you're using an enclosure or cage (where you can't use the adapters)

  • Yuzu developers agreed to pay $2.4 million in damages to Nintendo to settle their lawsuit
  • Nintendo went after a emu dev team that was actively (and demonstratively) enabling piracy for something they are currently selling. On top of that, the dev team is making significant money off of that work, to the tune of 30k/mo. Every other dev is probably thinking "finally, the other shoe drops on this obvious outcome", most avoid making money off it, and also avoid current systems, both for just this reason. The relieving part is Nintendo's argument isn't about the emulator specifically, there's nothing in the injunction stopping yuzu from continuing, and a settlement means no legal precedent.

    Edit: Read more, the settlement includes stopping development.

  • Yuzu developers agreed to pay $2.4 million in damages to Nintendo to settle their lawsuit
  • I mean, small developers who set up a money-making pateron based on an emulator for a currently sold system, without providing a way to pull your own system info or games from carts (and is therefore heavily reliant on piracy of things currently being sold by the parent company to run) is basically screwed, but this isn't news, and pretty much every other emu dev would run away screaming from such a setup.

    They really put themselves in this boat, but since that money-making pateron is a thing, they're probably wiping those tears with dollar bills.

  • Tips for a new Ender owner?
  • Replace the extruder. The plastic one will break, and screw up your day. It may already be broken even. Anything is better, even a drop-in metal copy of the existing one. If you want to spend a lil $$ to future-proof yourself, look into a BMG.

  • Removed
    Anyone else banned from the forums and reddit?
  • Free speech is important in public spaces. Online, for the most part, isn't public, it's a network of privately owned systems... You're on someone else's computer, they can do whatever they want with the data you put there. Debate isn't permitted there if they say so (and did in this case) and you agreed to that so they would allow you access to their system. Whether it was "annoying" or not is immaterial. You broke the rules you agreed to. That's it really. You can talk about this literally anywhere but their systems.

    I harbor no hate at all, just providing context for your disingenuously framed post. You are definitely a radically problematic case, considering your posts. I don't care what you discuss, but the owners of these systems do.

    If I ran a forum, I would definitely want the ability to remove people from my system that are harassing others, by my definition, regardless of what yours may be.

  • Removed
    Anyone else banned from the forums and reddit?
  • Context is important, I can see why you're not including it and are trying to color it by explaining instead of linking.

    They literally told you not to engage in moderation discussions after you did once, and you followed that up by tripling down and attacking the mods directly. Ban justified.

    Then, (you even admit so) you "jump in" (a 6 month necro) and do it again,, bashing mods and the forum and the product, and discussing your moderation again, all in one post. 2nd ban justified.

    They do mention that you have done the shipping thing, which is now hearsay from both sides to us users, and is immaterial to the other bannable offenses honestly.

    I message the mods on Reddit every now and then, reminding them of the utterly crazy way they've been treating me

    Muting justified.

    Edit: found your reddit, with lots of posts in /r/Hungary, where framework doesn't ship, implying a rather large possibility there was "freight forwarding" in some manner in your case. Not to mention your literal "PSA" thread about freight forwarding, in which you "disclaim" it isn't about that and if we think so we're imagining it...

  • Degoodle an e-reader?
  • Nook Simple Touch. You can get one with backlight for less than $40 usually.

    It takes microSD, android 2.1 (lol)

    There's an easy app to root it, then you install whatever (fbreader, moon, etc), or use it's built-in reader. The ancient android version means you'll have to dig for apks that work with it, but once it's set up, it's done.

    The biggest draw vs newer stuff, is.. it's tiny and light. there's almost nothing to it, it just works. No browser, no apps, just book.

  • What is the cheapest/easiest/quickest/best way to digitize thousands of paper photos? I realize these four parameters may be mutually exclusive.
  • Check around your local walmart/target/walgreens etc, that have those photo labs/booths. Some have proper bulk photo scanners publicly available, and will (or you can) pass your photos through one and spit out a CD for fairly cheap (sub-$10 last I checked, but years ago).

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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