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What workflows do y'all have for sourcing > archiving media?
  • Download thing, open thing in vlc or music bee. People make complicated systems to automate this stuff but I don’t consume enough new media to make doing all of that worth it. Neither do I need my media remotely accessible, if I’m out doing something then I am busy and don’t need to be watching a movie or whatever. If I know the boredom situation is dire then I will bring my psp or a book with me. I’d rather consume media in my sort of nice audio and game setups than anywhere else anyways.

    Music bee is like itunes from 10 years ago but without drm. I leave qbit and soulseek open cos sharing is caring

  • I just deleted my entire library and redownloaded it.
  • It’s advertised as a music platform but it has whatever users decide to make available. In addition to the majority of my music library, I’ve gotten movies and hentai manga from it lol. I’ve seen applications and games on it too. Joining it and sharing your media/other stuff is a great way to give back

  • I just deleted my entire library and redownloaded it.
  • Idfk + frankly it’s probably not worth it cause they typically have expectations of being hardcore and not just casually downloading and seeding. What are you looking for? Have you looked on soulseek?

  • Why does the dog convulse this? Does he have a problem? trim.393751D1-E0F6-4710-8D70-9097A27CD10F.MOV (2.6 MB) -

    Download trim.393751D1-E0F6-4710-8D70-9097A27CD10F.MOV

    No apparent pattern to when this happens. I’ve seen him do this a handful of times. Idk exactly how old he is, a few months I think. Thanks for any help.

    Ripping spotify
  • Doubledouble dot top

    Sometimes it’s down, sometimes it fails even when it’s up, but when it works it’s a great tool. Rips from q onus and other streaming services too.

  • TOTK Soundtrack
  • I advise using soulseek. Get the files for yourself to keep offline and have them shareable for others as well. Someone got the Mario 3d world soundtrack from me over the weekend via soulseek and I was happy I was sharing it.

  • What alternate Youtube frontends are there? And which ones do you recommend?
  • Invidious. If you look up invidious instances you can find plenty of them and choose one that’s in your country so it’s nice and fast. Sometimes they take an extra second to load but there are no ads so it’s worth it

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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