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Badly aged
  • At this point I'm just going to spoil a ballot in my name and hopefully get Dem canvassers to realize I'm a lost cause to them; and maybe check the local ordinances trying to go through. Literally it's just a spite move that costs more energy than it's worth to me at this point but my roommates are liberals whose brainworms are very resistant to the brands of brainworm killer I keep in stock and it's even more energy expended to have the argument about 'why didn't you hit the polling spot'

  • Hilary Clinton accusses Student Protestors of being Foreign Agents
  • You can practically hear the film reel running as it spools behind her eyes. Tickatickatickatickatick...


  • Hilary Clinton accusses Student Protestors of being Foreign Agents
  • Honestly Clinton finna be the woman that cried wolf. One day, foreign agents will have absolutely turned this shithole upside down-- and the one time she's right? Ain't no one gonna believe her.

    I can't wait for that day to land.

  • Hilary Clinton accusses Student Protestors of being Foreign Agents
  • Shit I wish I was a foreign agent at this point; I'd love to get paid for being perennially right about these settler hackjobs. Fuck with me; I'll go sit right next to the Uhuru 3 the day I get denounced for fuckall but standing against the crackers.

  • Deadlock Is Turning Cheaters Into Frogs - Aftermath
  • I already uninstalled it, brodie. I'm allowed to be disappointed that something with banger aesthetics is populated by gaming's most toxic; and wish for the other parts of its formula to be leaned a little harder into.

    Like, do you realize how the way you came thru with the "just leave if it ain't for you" makes you sound like you're running cover for hard-R spewing League-touchers?

  • I have finally finishing baling 49 bales of hay. My hands are blistered and I can't sleep with the pain in my back
  • Technically, you're not even touching grass.

    You're touching hay.



  • Deadlock Is Turning Cheaters Into Frogs - Aftermath
  • Is Deadlock going to lean any further into being a shooter, or should I just start filtering the term "Deadlock" for being an unfortunately-awesomely aesthetic'd MOBA? Cause keeping it a band, getting crashed out on by a League-toucher in my first match during playtests no less was enough to make me want formats where the League and DOTA-touchers would not be. Like, if mfs already crashing out on 106% toxicity before day zero even hits, I already know ion't wanna be in these queues.

    Without non-MOBA formats, all I see this as is superfluous in the face of DOTA, and just another Valve Thingβ„’ in the way of TF2 ever getting back on its feet.

  • Put down your hatchets lads!
  • "Well, we were here first; the disease can be the one that changes its name" -- the last CEO of the company that made the Ayds weight loss bar

  • Wake up babe, Forbes made up another new word to describe people hating their job
  • Workhuman found that managers (37%) and C-suite executives (38%) are actually the biggest offenders when it comes to faking work.

    Gee, you don't fucking say.

  • Those of you who get complemented on their scent, what products do you use?
  • Homegrown pot smoke, cocoa and shea butter, plus a really tight sulfate-free leave-in conditioner. That's really about it.

  • The Government asking Gen Z and Millenials to have more kids
  • No. Not as long as there's no family leave, not as long as capitalism demands grist for its wheels, not as long as Selective Service could steal my sons and conscript them to fight a Nazi's war, and ESPECIALLY not as long as Amerika is still a slave state.

    Death to the settlers; worse to their empire.

  • Wow based on what people on Twitter are saying, these "tankies" must be a really powerful voting bloc in the US
  • It's funny how they talk about tankies the same way fascists talk about their enemies as both weak and strong at the same time.

    Because the only thing separating a liberal and a fascist is relative comfort.

  • Thinking the 'unthinkable': NATO wants Canada and allies to gear up for a conventional war
  • Canada rn: "I never thought the face-eating leopards would eat MY face!!"

  • Deleted
    Why doesn't china launch a preemptive nuclear strike against the west?
  • This, hide the pens. I'd swear there was just an argument about nuclear weapons like a week and a half ago.

  • Removed
    Here we go again
  • Are we still fuckin with Overwatch in the wake of the Cosby suite??

  • Removed
    Here we go again
  • I'm forcibly reminded of how they tried it on BG3 only for the power of homoerotic Lestat-expies to basically shut them all up and send them scuttling. (Jokes aside Neil Newbon is a goddamn blessing as far as VAs are concerned.)

  • Removed
    Here we go again
  • God fucking dammit they're really going to make me consider playing a soulslike bc the VA is based as a motherfucker huh

  • frauddogg frauddogg [they/them, null/void]

    "Crashout" is my middle name at this point; Fraud "Crashout" Dogg. My camaraderie is earned, not given. || Never surrender, never retreat.

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