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[discuss] future of this community?
  • Suffering from issues most of lemmy is currently suffering from. Relatively non-niche content still needs a critical mass to support it.

    That and the Pac12 collapsing has me not as interested this season. Fuck the Ducks.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I can’t stand it, I know you planned it

    I can't stand rocking when I'm in here 'Cause your crystal ball ain't so crystal clear

  • What are some good dystopian novels?
  • I think Le Guins "The Dispossessed" belongs here. Its a dystopian/ utopian comparative about an anarchist planet and a capitalist planet. Highly recommend. I've got a signed copy somewhere.

  • Expectation vs Reality
  • Bro they just want to paint.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • My NAS just arrived today. I'll have ~42 TB of self hosted storage for 1k.

    Google is charging me something ridiculous like, 300 a year for the same.

  • is down again
  • Bro. Someone does not want this thing to be.

  • A dollar saved is a dollar earned
  • Honestly, with my raised beds, between compost, seeds and fertilizer I probably lose money compared to buying tomatoes from the store. Home grown garden tomatoes are 10x better quality than grocery store tomatoes.

    Bro I been growing edamame. Holy fucking shit. You'll fucking cum.

  • Mexican president urges end to 'irrational' Ukraine war, wants Russia at peace talks
  • Russian propaganda bot.

    Oh he's not a bot. They are a real verified human doing this as a labor of love.

  • Canada launches warning labels on each cigarette
  • Seems like you could market a line with even worse statements on it:

    "This cigarette kills babies"

  • Biden signs bill to block U.S. railroad strike
  • Chinese shill

    But he's our Chinese shill and we love him dearly.

  • Which movie makes you crack up not matter how many times you watched it ?
  • Airplane. Young Frankenstein. Emperors New Groove. Paper moon.

  • Unclassified FBI Document: Ability to legally access Secure Messaging App Content and Metadata (January 2021)
  • Glad to see signal is still the top of the pops.

    Can't give away what you don't have.

  • 2023 Edelman report shows that China has the highest trust in government
  • Bro you post hundreds of times a day on here, and it's not even a remotely thought out thesis on society. You're just an imperialist and it's important to call you out on it.

  • 2023 Edelman report shows that China has the highest trust in government
  • and free labor on the part of to promote it.

    Which is rich considering he's a well paid software engineer working out of a western Democracy.

    Tankies. The world would be so bland without them.

  • ‘Drought is on the verge of becoming the next pandemic’
  • I think it's important to note how much hardscape and channelling has been done to prevent widespread and sheet style flooding, and how they contribute to this problem of ground water recharge.

    Most places that are flat enough to build are flat enough to build because of thousands of millenia of flooding, especially sheet flooding, laying down sediment and making them flat. Then humans get annoyed because the flat low places floos, so they build flood control.

    There is a post further down about how Muni water really isn't an issue and I agree with this. I've put up a couple posts explaining this on Reddit and hacker news. I could rehash it if some one was interested.

  • Lemmy fully managed hosting
  • I think this kind of handwringing shows a fundamental lack of understanding of how the internet works.

    Everything you've ever pushed your eyeballs against on the internet was hosted somewhere. These days its pretty much all in the cloud.

    All this team did was write a wrapper to automate the instance creation, which I just happily paid for, because even though I could have figured it out, it wasnt work several hours of my time to do so. And if I did, I still was going to use the same cloud providers this team is routing through.

    I just paid to host an instance to do my part to support the fediverse. If you are from the elest team jbenguira hit me up or maybe I'll hit your lemmy to get some help. Having some issues getting my domain to work and want to make sure I'm doing it right.

  • for the Reddit refugees, do you also feel a bit heartbroken?
  • I joined Reddit during the digg exodus. Before digg I was into fark and before fark, something awful.

    It's good that things die. it's where new mediums come from. It also keeps the power with the user. It's an important part of the internet life cycle.

  • Lemmy, what do you call users of Lemmy?

    I like lemmings but it might be a bit derogatory. Even with that I still think it's better than 'redditors', which always sounded/looked goofy to me.

    Any ideas? What do we call Lemmy users?

    My current vote is for lemmings. I think it's cute.

    [SD] "Surrealist" Portrait
  • Wow that is excellent.

  • cats fomo_erotic
    long night of zoomies. need to take the morning off.
    fomo_erotic fomo_erotic
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