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reDUcTIon iS gAIn
  • Ummm.... Have you ever used a screw? Bottle cap? "Right tighty, lefty loosey"? A car wheel when going forward? Literally 99% of things tighten clockwise.

    You're the person people have to say "no, your other left" a lot to, aren't ya?

  • I designed a cardboard cutter that turns boxes into free cat scratchers
  • I tried to buy the model from an artist recently for personal use(friend wanted some Mickey ears of a specific style). Person told me no and quoted me $130 with a 3 week wait time for a physical product that was something I could print in about an hour myself. For a Disney product they were already infringing on themselves.

    Went elsewhere and found someone selling the model for $7. Figured that was fair for the effort to transform it into a model file.

    Turned out I was wrong - only took me 20 minutes to print.

    Some of these artists are ridiculous....

  • In Silicon Valley, a Rogue Plan to Alter the Climate | Some restless entrepreneurs are releasing pollutants in the sky to try to cool the planet.
  • Yeah, this is a giant scam. The whole "we're stealth" and "we look just like a regular RV" are key giveaways. If what they were doing was 100% legal and above board, they wouldn't be doing it this way.

  • California's 'click to cancel' subscription bill is signed into law
  • The reason you see all the pop ups for cookies nowadays is because of GDPR, a European law. It absolutely does work like this. It's vastly cheaper to run one system then 2 systems. It's the same reason California emissions laws become defacto laws for the rest of the country.

  • As Earth’s Climate Unravels, More Scientists Are Ready to Test Geoengineering
  • You're right, but let's not forget we've already "geoengineered" numerous times. Various dam projects, islands creation, connecting waterways that didn't previously connect.... And we made plenty of mistakes then. I have even less faith in this. We will probably hyper focus on what humans need vs what the planet needs and target some metric that only after we achieve it, realize it's terribly wrong.

  • Lebanese girl becomes most notable victim of pager blasts
  • Are people really arguing with you and not realizing you already ruled in their favor?

    Pick your battles people. You don't bite the hand that's feeding you and all that...

  • Get you a company that can do both
  • I never had a problem with the new, though admittedly goofy, design until I saw this picture. The ground clearance on that looks pretty low. Might just be photo angles tho. Anyone have any videos of these being tested out? Curious how they handle on dirt roads. I'm sure the did factor that into account, just curious is all.

  • Cards Against Humanity sues SpaceX, alleges “invasion” of land on US/Mexico border
  • Did I say it wasn't illegal? I literally said it is.

    What I'm saying is CAD is pretending they were protecting the environment when in fact all they were doing was squatting a land title. They didn't actually check on the land at all, which is something you might expect of someone who was actually trying to protect the land and wasn't just pulling a big publicity stunt.

    So yeah, what I'm saying is the other guy is right: theyre making a big show of saying they care about the land after the fact, but before then did jackcall shit and never even checked on it.

    Elon can be a shithead and CAD could have just been doing a publicity stunt. Both can be true

  • me_irl
  • Military bases != Colonization.

    One is an outpost. The other is making the people there subservient to you. I get the point you're making, but it's not the same and it trivializes actual colonization(which yes, the US does do). India wasn't just a military base for the British. They ruled over them and collected taxes and imposed laws. Same with Ireland. It's be offensive to compare their plights to placing a military base.

  • Cards Against Humanity sues SpaceX, alleges “invasion” of land on US/Mexico border
  • I don't know why people are downvoting you. At the very least, it seems like they didn't even check on the land for years. Notice it's a 2017 photo and a 2024 one. No progress pics in the middle, no "we told them to stop on X and Y date and here's photos of them continuing".

    They abandoned the property for years because all they cared about was squatting on the wall being built, which by having the deed they were doing. They didn't do anything further because that was never their goal.

    So honestly, while what Elon did is shitty and illegal, them trying to claim the some moral high ground by acting like it was an environmental sanctuary is disingenuous. In fairness, the original purpose of stopping the wall from being built is STILL being upheld. Elon's not building the wall there as far as I can tell. Just storing junk(that CAD should just scrap and sell since it's abandoned on their lot). Heavy machinery is worth a lot....

  • Sega Saturn Slim: The Classic Console, Reimagined for Today’s Gamers
  • Funko pops were also very popular. Everdrives are overpriced junk.

  • Sega Saturn Slim: The Classic Console, Reimagined for Today’s Gamers
  • That's a lot of fancy words to say "so you can emulate your games". Which is our point: if you can't play your OG games and are gonna be emulating those anyways, no one gives a shit if it has an OG chip anymore. We're gonna have to emulate anyways, any might as well do it with better shaders, graphics, control, etc than on this custom built, one use only, emulator.

  • Sega Saturn Slim: The Classic Console, Reimagined for Today’s Gamers
  • Exactly. The ONLY point of these consoles is to play physical copies of games you still own. Otherwise just buy a mini PC and USB controllers that match the originals and call it a day. Going halfway like this makes it useless to both niches.

  • Sega Saturn Slim: The Classic Console, Reimagined for Today’s Gamers
  • But it's not the original thing. It's missing a core feature. So it is emulation.

  • Sega Saturn Slim: The Classic Console, Reimagined for Today’s Gamers
  • But if you're buying a retro console just to emulate half the games, why not emulate the whole thing and just buy a modern USB version of the controller?

  • Sega Saturn Slim: The Classic Console, Reimagined for Today’s Gamers
  • What's the point? If you're gonna alter the OG equipment to such an extreme extent like removing the CD drive, then you're not going to play original copies on it anyways. Might as well just run an emulator.

  • The internet is worse than it used to be. How did we get here, and can we go back?
  • We're in Eternal September now. Have been for a few decades.

  • "participants who had access to an AI assistant wrote significantly less secure code" and "were also more likely to believe they wrote secure code" - 2023 Stanford University study published at CCS23
  • Hmmm, it's almost like the study was testing peoples perception of the usefulness of AI vs the actual usefulness and results that came out.

  • Gig economy
  • Way to miss the point. It's about some people acting like these are choices rather than "this is the best I can do". Would you really prefer the inconsistency of the gig economy if well paying consistent jobs were available? Would you eat rice and beans for every meal if you actually had the choice? Wouldn't you prefer just a few more square feet in your tiny home(maybe in the kitchen or bathroom)?

    Acting like people are making all of these choices out of genuine desire and not a good helping of "this is what I have to do to survive" is what the meme is criticizing and what you on your high horse up there failed to see.

  • Fake $100 Bills Spew From US Bank's ATM As Customers Receive Paper Marked For 'Motion Picture Purposes'
  • Title is a bit misleading.

    It's not from US Bank(the specific company).

    It's from a US based bank, Providence.

  • fishos fishos
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