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Right wingers everywhere
  • The ones from the Dominican Republic

  • Right wingers everywhere

    My mom is dating this old guy who thinks that obligatory military service will keep youth who don’t go to school from using drugs. He also believes that people serving a sentence should be used in forced labor so his taxes don’t go into housing them and giving them food. He wants the good old days of the dictatorship back. And will vote for the party of the grandson of the dictator.

    The Catholic Church be like

    cross-posted from:

    > Just like that. > > Source.

    "Browsing the web in 2019" by bruised_blood

    cross-posted from:

    > "Browsing the web in 2019" by bruised_blood

    Did Che Guevara say this or is this quote misattributed?
  • Are you saying that the quote is from Lenin or is this video satire?

  • Joe Biden: “Joe Biden is a rabid dog. He should be beat to death with a stick.” Joe Biden: “Joe Biden is a rabid dog. He should be beat to death with a stick.” - платформа для потокового видео с поддержкой ActivityPub, использующая P2P непосредственно в вашем веб-браузере

    Joe Biden: “Joe Biden is a rabid dog. He should be beat to death with a stick.”
    Israel is a monster 🤬. Poor children 😭

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > >

    Israel is a monster 🤬. Poor children 😭

    cross-posted from:


    Question about China’s economic plan
  • Do you have the link to the article where they mention this?

  • Israel presents: How to get away with genocide
  • Why? For trying to get back their territory from the white supremacist colonizers who have keep them under the boot for 60 years?

    You must have thought that Nelson Mandela revolutionary fighting force were bad guys too.

  • “But… But… Democrats are the good guys”
  • Yup, that happened

  • Patsoc spotted on Reddit r/communismmemes
  • What happened to them?

  • 7 things that aren't real
  • It is a made up country to justify Zionist occupation.

  • 7 things that aren't real
  • The genocide of the settler apartheid regime is definitely real, but Israel itself is a made up Zionist idea. What people referred as “Israel” is actually occupied Palestine.

  • 7 things that aren't real
  • To be fair fairies are more real than Israel for sure

  • Patsoc spotted on Reddit r/communismmemes
  • I knew we couldn’t trust Vulcans 🤣

  • What if we kissed in the communism bus stop?
  • Do you have the Google Maps address?

  • What if we kissed in the communism bus stop?
  • Where is this located?

  • CyberGhost Cyber Ghost

    Marxist-Leninists trying to make the world a better place

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