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A massive wave of repression is coming. We can survive this, then overthrow the imperialist deep state.
  • Final note for the time being as I'm being picked up (😳 (I am being doted upon (TERROR!!!!!)) FEAR!) but I think that the mistake is thinking for some reason an alliance with petit boug in the imperial core is somehow the move because we can transplant Mao Zedong thought to the USA. The way people bludgeon each other with these unanalytical historical parallels drives me up the wall. Look, I like MAO ZEDONG THOUGHT đŸ—Łïž a LOT. That's why I am NOT DOING THAT.

  • A massive wave of repression is coming. We can survive this, then overthrow the imperialist deep state.
  • Both OP and comments must all READ WALLERSTEIN (specifically city-countryside exploitation)!!!! And Samir Amin for his commentary on post-apartheid South Africa (Maldevelopment). If I have time I will track all these people down and show them the damn book screenshots.

  • A massive wave of repression is coming. We can survive this, then overthrow the imperialist deep state.
  • I think it's a mistake to attribute the Patsoc movement to any kind of organic tendency or "ideological drift" when it's mostly Maupin, who came out of the same RT program as Abby Martin who is interviewed there, who mister blogster here has soured on as well (don't get me started on Rob, or Prysner lol), a law student (who gets 300 viewers (and mainly beefs with a tiny group of ppl who live off Amazon and Google salaries and kids' pocket change while espousing NAFO socialism or whatever the fuck they came up with by now)), and a guy who used to talk relly flamboyantly and work for pelosi before doing a pro wrestling style heel-heel turn and becoming a "republican communist" caricature now psyopping the people of Yemen (who deserve the greatest victories and global adulation and do not deserve perfidious white boys in suits coming on positively)

    Made me really sad to say someone say "let's call a spade a spade here, if Hinkle wasn't reactionary he wouldn't be hosted by the Yemenis" wtf. No it's because he's an artificially boosted influencer he literally connected with them thru twitter in between doing this to afghans with sameera khan etc and Spaces with Israelis where he said George Floyd false flagged america just like Hamas


    So what I'm saying is this isn't just where someone is on the political compass or whatever, it's some kind of policy issue hobby horse that gets people caught up in stuff like "fuck it Tucker interview" they take the bait out of spite or something.

    My criticism of the PSL is they are too much alike the libertarians and seem to be part of the same activist NGO complex.

    We have to look at the purpose of this larger funding network not by what its various ideological mouthpieces say but by looking at how people absorbed into it end up functioning, what end they serve. Seems to keep people invested in electoralism and cold war style cargo cult "just get out there and say what you have to say" stuff while identifying themselves scrupulously.

  • A massive wave of repression is coming. We can survive this, then overthrow the imperialist deep state.
  • If that's so, I really don't see it in that essay-response to the Martin-Becker intervew. If he's seriously articulated misguided Patsoc beliefs (where?), surely you can reason with a guy quoting Kim Il-Sung to criticize Becker using the same pseudo-"Leninist" (don't laugh!) arguments Politstrum and Konstantin Syomin make to denounce Hamas as imperial proxies?

  • A massive wave of repression is coming. We can survive this, then overthrow the imperialist deep state.
  • I think it would be awesome if the PSL reached even the level of achievement of the KPRF, but more in touch with working class civil rights issues, but they aren't. Instead they're part of a boutique industry of nonprofits in the USA

  • A massive wave of repression is coming. We can survive this, then overthrow the imperialist deep state.
  • that's the entire comment section like I said in another comment specificity really goes a lot further than more emphatic denunciations

    Anyway, you're gonna love this one then

  • A massive wave of repression is coming. We can survive this, then overthrow the imperialist deep state.
  • Like this could literally just mean that he works for the GZ and wrote positively about the Blumenthal Boy's ANSWER CodePink PSL rally thing where pepes were skulking around. A little specificity would go a long way here rather than just using more emphatic denunciations.

  • A massive wave of repression is coming. We can survive this, then overthrow the imperialist deep state.
  • I get the impression there will always be a reason why I can't get a straight answer out of some folks online, if they want there to be a reason

  • VPN Recommendation Thread
  • Do not torrent on mullvad it's p much only good for leeching no port forwarding. Also never trust any vpn and there are a limited # of tor exit nodes, all of them are likely owned by creepy crypto guys who have to be CIA good luck. Better than nothing so I guess go with the best one for torrenting speed like airvpn

  • The Wire runs world's lamest puff piece on scrappy cracker hacker
  • Are you fucking kidding me? They already did this one years ago. "They hacked his hot dog stand. He took down their country's internet" one second let me go get it. Disgusting

    Okay it's the same guy as two years ago. BORING. GET A LIFE OMG. lmao

  • why does the US support Israel?
  • Mearsheimer seems to think that it's mostly because of the lobby

    Man the spooks are really on one lately. did you notice Hersh trying to discredit the Russian govt by pretending a terrorism warning that had expired like a month before should have covered Crocus Hall attack.

    Hersh also treated info he got about the Ukrainians and the British somehow being more independently responsible for the Nord Stream attack than the US very credulously. In light of this I have to assume it's a further expression of the CYOA disclosure to journalists who have a patronage relationship with the CIA Doug Valentine pointed out in The CIA as Organized Crime (when we see the white house try to hide behind ISIS K to do some kind of hybrid warfare shit of politically damaging muh dictators to topple them)

  • why does the US support Israel?
  • is it because of the Israel lobby, or because

    1 is a part of 2, israel's lobbying and financial + technology influence also serves US interests. it backfires too like with giving shittons of tech to the Chinese.

    Israel serves some sort of strategic purpose?

    Israel is really the perfect sub-imperialist state for the US. It's more than simply military power projection.

  • A massive wave of repression is coming. We can survive this, then overthrow the imperialist deep state.
  • lol this guy needs to touch grass

    wait, you don't know everything everyone online has ever said?

  • A massive wave of repression is coming. We can survive this, then overthrow the imperialist deep state.
  • Can you at least give me something to work with other than assuming I also have completely unlimited computer time and memory?

    I need to store a lot of mana costs and damage values in here. Important stuff!

  • Brave America ran away! Bravely ran away, away! When danger reared its ugly head, it bravely turned its tail and fled!
  • đŸŽ¶ Hezbollah has parity with Zionist missiles without going nuclear. Zionism is in free fall. Destructioooon is mutually assuuuuuurred đŸŽ” đŸŽ€đŸ„°

  • A massive wave of repression is coming. We can survive this, then overthrow the imperialist deep state.
  • this is like genuinely appalling and shows that Rodrick has done nothing other than just be on Twitter for years and years and years. i'm sorry that you've never encountered an academic before but yeah we're going to have a little cultural revolution if you want I'm down

    showing off how you didn't make it past the introduction and credentialing is not the way to do that imho

  • A massive wave of repression is coming. We can survive this, then overthrow the imperialist deep state.
  • I already read that Rodrick is just seething without making any arguments. Also try to talk to him he will instantly block you no matter what you say as long as it disagrees with him.

  • A massive wave of repression is coming. We can survive this, then overthrow the imperialist deep state.
  • arguing for a Red/Brown coalition

    Am I supposed to know what your particular use of this jargon means here?